
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:電子工業(yè)  作者:郭明珠//華微微  頁數(shù):243  


  計算機專業(yè)英語是高職高專院校一門重要的專業(yè)基礎課,是學生進行深入專業(yè)學習、拓展專業(yè)知識的一個重要工具,也是許多權威認證考試需要掌握的基本技能之一?! ”緯饕杂嬎銠C系統(tǒng)組成、計算機硬件、軟件、網(wǎng)絡工程、數(shù)據(jù)庫、多媒體技術、電子商務及計算機應用等方面的英語短文為載體,使學生掌握計算機科學方面的專業(yè)術語以及常用詞匯,能夠初步閱讀專業(yè)性讀物,提高閱讀和翻譯能力,能夠使用英文界面的應用軟件。通過對本書的學習,有利于學生專業(yè)知識的積累?! ”窘滩木哂腥缦绿攸c: ?。?)選材新穎、廣泛。教材收錄了涵蓋計算機硬件、軟件、數(shù)據(jù)庫、網(wǎng)絡技術、多媒體技術、電子商務和計算機應用等多方面的專業(yè)文章,涉及的專業(yè)知識較為全面,內(nèi)容豐富,且與計算機專業(yè)發(fā)展緊密接軌,具有一定參考價值?! 。?)突出實用性,增強實戰(zhàn)性。教材融知識性、趣味性和實用性為一體,文中配有插圖,增強直觀性。我們選取了大量的歷年網(wǎng)絡工程師、軟件工程師等權威性考試的試題作為習題,同時也增強了學生的學習動力?! 。?)全面兼顧計算機專業(yè)課程,針對性強。教材所涉及內(nèi)容,以計算機專業(yè)開設的專業(yè)課程為出發(fā)點,全面兼顧與專業(yè)課程知識的銜接,并力圖作為其知識的補充?! 。?)結(jié)構(gòu)合理,適于教學。教材依據(jù)知識模塊分為10章,24個單元,每個單元包括學習目標、課文、詞匯及短語、習題和閱讀材料等幾個部分,符合學生認知的一般過程,適于在教學中采用。  全書由長春職業(yè)技術學院郭明珠和華微微擔任主編,許春艷、喬丹和張曉平擔任副主編,參加本書編寫的還有劉心美、田晶和高婷婷。本書在出版過程中得到電子工業(yè)出版社的鼎力支持,在此一并表示感謝!  由于作者水平有限且編寫時間較為倉促,錯誤和不足之處在所難免,敬請廣大讀者批評指正。


本書是為高職高專計算機專業(yè)英語課程編寫的教材。文章內(nèi)容涵蓋計算機系統(tǒng)組成、計算機硬件、軟件、網(wǎng)絡工程、數(shù)據(jù)庫、多媒體技術、電子商務及計算機應用等方面知識。全書分為10章,24個單元,每單元包括學習目標、課文、詞匯及短語、習題和閱讀材料等幾個部分。    本書取材內(nèi)容全面、新穎,實用性強。多數(shù)習題摘取了歷年網(wǎng)絡工程師、軟件工程師等權威性認證考試的試題,增加了實戰(zhàn)性,使讀者能夠掌握計算機英語文章的一般特點和大量專業(yè)詞匯,并提高對計算機專業(yè)英語原版資料的閱讀和理解能力以及計算機專業(yè)資料翻譯能力。    本書既可作為高等職業(yè)院校教材使用,也可作為培訓班和有一定計算機英語基礎的讀者參考使用。


Chapter One Introduction of Computer  Unit 1 Brief Introduction of Computer    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 2 The Evolution of Computers    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading MaterialsChapter Two Computer Hardware  Unit 3 What is Hardware?    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 4 How PCs Work?    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading MaterialsChapter Three Operating System  Unit 5 What is Operating System?    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 6 Common Operating System Introduction    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading MaterialsChapter Four Computer Software  Unit 7 An Overview of Computer Software    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 8 Object-Oriented Programming    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 9 Introduction to Java    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading MaterialsChapter Five Database  Unit 10 What is a Database?    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 11 SQL    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading MaterialsChapter Six Computer of Network  Unit 12 Internet    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 13 The Internet Services    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 14 Data Communication    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading MaterialsChapter Seven E-commerce  Unit 15 What is E-commerce?    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 16 Security of E-commerce    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading MaterialsChapter Eight Multimedia  Unit 17 The Concept of Multimedia    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 18 The Basic Tools    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 19 Digital Audio    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 20 Digital Video    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading MaterialsChapter Nine Animation  Unit 21 2D Animation    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 22 3D Animation    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading MaterialsChapter Ten Network Security  Unit 23 Security in Computing    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials  Unit 24 Network Firewall    Text    Words & Expressions    Exercises    Reading Materials參考譯文參考答案參考文獻


  The basic job of computer is the processing of information. For this reason, computers can efined as devices which accept information in the form of instructions called a program and haracters called data, perform mathematical and/or logical operations on the information, and hen supply results of these operation. The program, which tells the computers what to do and the ata, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, is kept inside the computer in a lace called memory.  Computers are thought to have many remarkable powers. However, most computers, whether arge or small, have three basic capabilities.  First, computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations, such as addition, ubtraction, division, multiplication and exponentiation.  Second, computers have a means of communicating with the user. After all, if we couldnt feed information in and get results back, these machines would not be of much use.  Third, computers have circuits which can make decisions. The kinds of decisions which computer circuits can make are of the type: Is one number less than another? Are two numbers equal? And, is one number greater than another?  A CPU can be a single microprocessor chip, a set of chips, or a box of boards of transistors, chips, wires, and connectors. Differences in CPUs distinguish mainframes, mini- and microcomputers. A processor is composed of two functional units: a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit, and a set of special workspaces called registers.  The control unit is the functional unit that is responsible for supervising the operation of the entire computer system. In some ways, it is analogous to a telephone switchboard with intelligence because it makes the connections between various functional units of the computer system and calls into operation each unit that is required by the program currently in operation. The control unit fetches instructions from memory and determines their type or decodes them. It then break each instruction into a series of simple small steps or actions. By doing this, it controls the step-by-step operation of the entire computer system.





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