
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社  作者:劉曙光 編  頁數:329  


本書旨在使讀者掌握測控技術與儀器專業(yè)英語術語及用法,培養(yǎng)和提高讀者閱讀和翻譯專業(yè)英語文獻資料的能力;主要內容包括電子技術、數字系統(tǒng)、信號處理、測試技術、儀器儀表、遙感通信等。本書由16篇課文和16篇閱讀材料組成,并附有所有課文的參考譯文。為了方便教學,本書另配有電子教案,向采納本書作為教材的教師免費提供。    本書可以作為測控技術與儀器專業(yè)的專業(yè)英語教材,也可供從事相關專業(yè)的工程技術人員學習參考。


Lesson 1  Periodic Signals 1.1  Time-Domain Description 1.2  Frequency-Domain Description 1.3  Orthogonal Functions 1.4  The Fourier Series Exercises Reading Material:Underwater Acoustic SignalLesson 2  Aperiodic Signal 2.1  Introduction 2.2  The Exponential Form of the Fourier Series 2.3  The Fourier Transform 2.4  The Laplace Transform Exercises Reading Material:Properties of Signal and NoiseLesson 3  Sampled-Data Signals 3.1  Introduction 3.2  Mathematical Description Using the Dirac Function 3.3  Spectra of Sampled-data Signals 3.4  The z-transform Exercises Reading Material: Signal SamplingLesson 4  Random Signals 4.1  Introduction 4.2  Elements of Probability Theory 4.3  Amplitude Distribution and Moments 4.4  The Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density Exercises Reading Material:The Processing of Random SignalLesson 5  Static Performance 5.1  The Ideal Measuring System 5.2  Sensitivity   5.3  Accuracy and Precision 5.4  Possible and Probable Errors 5.5  Other Static-Performance Terms Exercises Reading Material:Noncontact Temperature MeasurementLesson 6  Dynamic Performance 6.1  Zero-order Systems 6.2  First order Systems 6.3  Second-order Systems 6.4  Step-response Specification 6.5  Frequency-response Specification Exercises Reading Material: Eddy CurrentLesson 7  Basic Knowledge of Transducers and Resistance Transducers 7.1  Transducer Elements 7.2  Transducer Sensitivity 7.3  Characteristics of an Ideal Transducer 7.4  Electrical Transducers 7.5  Resistance Transducers   Exercises Reading Material: LaserLesson 8  Capacitance, Inductance Transducers and Some Others 8.1  Capacitive Transducers   8.2  Inductive Transducers 8.3  Linear Variable-differential Transformer(1. v. d. t. ) 8.4  Piezo-electric Transducers 8.5  Electromagnetic Transducers 8.6  Thermoelectric Transducers   8.7  Photoelectric Cells (self-generating) 8.8  Mechanical Transducers and Sensing Elements   Exercises Reading Material : Video CameraLesson 9  Analog Instruments 9.1   Meter Basics 9.2  Ammeters 9.3  Current Measuring Errors 9.4  DC Voltmeters 9.5  Voltage Measuring Errors……Lesson 10  Digital InstrumentsLesson 11  Computer-based Test InstrumentsLesson 12  ElectronicsLesson 13  MicroprocessorLesson 14  Remote SensingLesson 15  Multi-sensor Data FusionLesson 16  Nanotechnology參考譯文參考文獻




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