
出版時(shí)間:2013-2  出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社  作者:西奧多·S.拉帕波特  頁數(shù):707  




1  Introduction to Wireless Communication Systems  1.1  Evolution of Mobile Radio Communications  1.2  Mobile Radiotelephony in the U.S.  1.3  Mobile Radio Systems Around the World  1.4  Examples of Wireless Communication Systems  1.4.1  Paging Systems  1.4.2  Cordless Telephone Systems  1.4.3  Cellular Telephone Systems  How a Cellular Telephone Call is Made  1.4.4  Comparison of Common Wireless Communication Systems  1.5  Trends in Cellular Radio and Personal Communications  1.6  Problems2  Modern Wireless Communication Systems  2.1  Second Generation (2G) Cellular Networks  2.1.1  Evolution to 2.5G Wireless Networks  2.1.2  Evolution for 2.5G TDMA Standards   HSCSD for 2.5G GSM  GPRS for 2.5G GSM and IS-136  EDGE for 2.5G GSM and IS-136  2.1.3  IS-95B for 2.5G CDMA  2.2  Third Generation (3G) Wireless Networks  2.2.1  3G W-CDMA (UMTS)  2.2.2  3G cdma2000  2.2.3  3G TD-SCDMA  2.3  Wireless Local Loop (WLL) and LMDS  2.4  Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)  2.5  Bluetooth and Personal Area Networks (PANs)  2.6  Summary  2.7  Problems3  The Cellular Concept-System Design Fundamentals  3.1  Introduction  3.2  Frequency Reuse  3.3  Channel Assignment Strategies  3.4  HandoffStrategies  3.4.1  Prioritizing Handoffs  3.4.2  Practical HandoffConsiderations  3.5  Interference and System Capacity  3.5.1  Co-channel Interference and System Capacity  3.5.2  Channel Planning for Wireless Systems  3.5.3  Adjacent Channel Interference  3.5.4  Power Control for Reducing Interference  3.6  Trunking and Grade of Service  3.7  Improving Coverage & Capacity in Cellular Systems  3.7.1  Cell Splitting  3.7.2  Sectoring  3.7.3  Repeaters for Range Extension  3.7.4  A Microcell Zone Concept  3.8  Summary  3.9  Problems4  Mobile Radio Propagation: Large-Scale Path Loss  4.1   Introduction to Radio Wave Propagation  4.2  Free Space Propagation Model  4.3  Relating Power to Electric Field  4.4  The Three Basic Propagation Mechanisms  4.5  Reflection  4.5.1  Reflection from Dielectrics  4.5.2  Brewster Angle  4.5.3  Reflection from Perfect Conductors   4.6  Ground Reflection (Two-R'ay)Model  4.7  Diffraction  4.7.1  Fresnel Zone Geometry  4.7.2  Knife-edge Diffraction Model  4.7.3  Multiple Knife:edge Diffraction  4.8  Scattering  4.8.1   Radar Cross Section Model  ……5  Mobile Radio Propagation: Small-Scale Fading and Multipatipath6  Modulation Techniques for Mobile Radio7  Equalization, Diversity, and Channel Coding8  Speech Coding9  Multiple Access Techiques for Wireless Communications10  Wireless Networking 11  Wireless Systems and StandeadsAPPENDICESINDEX




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