
出版時間:2007-8  出版社:電子工業(yè)  作者:楊春生 編  頁數(shù):264  


  《中等職業(yè)學校教學用書·機電技術專業(yè):機電專業(yè)英語(第2版)》是一本寬口徑的專業(yè)英語教材,全書按模塊式結構編寫,有機械、模具、電子、自動化和數(shù)控五個模塊,便于不同專業(yè)的學生選用,也方便教師在不同的模塊中選擇課文組織教學以適應教學改革的需要。全書各課所選內(nèi)容篇幅適中、圖文并茂,有較強的實用性。    《中等職業(yè)學校教學用書·機電技術專業(yè):機電專業(yè)英語(第2版)》可作為中等職業(yè)學校機電類及相關專業(yè)的教材,高職高專同類專業(yè)亦可選用,也可供有關工程技術人員參考使用?!    吨械嚷殬I(yè)學校教學用書·機電技術專業(yè):機電專業(yè)英語(第2版)》配有電子教學參考資料包,以方便教師教學和學生自主學習。


PART Ⅰ MECHANICS BLOCK(機械模塊)Lesson 1 Working Drawings (Ⅰ)Reading Material Working Drawings(Ⅱ)Lesson 2 Creating Drawings with AutoCADReading Material Establishing Basic Settings in AutoCADLesson 3 GearsReading Material ShaftsLesson 4 Tolerances and FitsReading Material Dimension MeasurementLesson 5 Kinds of SteelsReading Material Heat Treatment of SteelLesson 6 CastingReading Material ForgingLesson 7 Five Basic Machining TechniquesReading Material Forming and MachiningLesson 8 Engine LathesReading Material Type of LathesLesson 9 Milling MachinesReading Material MillingLesson 10 CAD/CAMReading Material The application of CAD/CAMPART Ⅱ MOULD BLOCK (模具模塊)Lesson 1 Punches and DiesReading Material Pressing MachineLesson 2 CuttingReading Material  Ⅰ  Cutting Die ConstructionⅡ  Short Run DiesLesson 3 BendingReading Material SpringbackLesson 4 DrawingReading Material The Blank HolderLesson 5 Injection MoldingReading Material Injection MoldsLesson 6 Compression MoldingReading Material Construction of Compression MoldLesson 7 Transfer MoldingReading Material  Ⅰ  Conditions of Transfer MoldingⅡ  Molding EquipmentLesson 8 Forge Tooling for Open Die ForgingReading Material Rotary., or Long, Forging MachinesLesson 9 Jigs and FixtureReading Material Cutting ToolsLesson 10 Electrical Discharge MachiningReading Material Use Eurospark 740 for DiemakingLesson 11 Design Concepts in Pro/ENGINEERReading Material Part in Pro/ENGINEERPART Ⅲ ELECTRONITY BLOCK (電子模塊)Lesson 1 The Importance of ElectricityReading Material TransistorLesson 2 Electric Circuit ⅠReading Material Resistance ComponentsLesson 3 Eleetrie Circuit ⅡReading Materials CurrentEnergyLesson 4 Alternating CurrentReading Material RMS Voltage and CurrentLesson 5 TransformerReading Material Ohms Law and ResistanceLesson 6 Transistor AmplifiersReading Material Impedance and MatchingLesson 7 Radio CommunicationReading Materials How Radio Waves TravelDigital TransmissionLesson 8 Integrated CircuitReading Material Mieroeleetronie Process EquipmentLesson 9 The Electric MotorReading Material GeneratorLesson 10 Control Systems in the HomeReading Material Sensing Devices and TransducersPART Ⅳ AUTOMATION BLOCK (自動化模塊)Lesson 1 AutomationReading Material Historical Perspective of Control Engineering……PART Ⅴ CNC BLOCK(數(shù)控模塊)GLOSSARY(詞匯表)Appendix參考文獻



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