
出版時間:2006-10  出版社:第1版 (2006年10月1日)  作者:羅德尼·特納(Rodney Turner)  頁數(shù):766  字數(shù):1164000  


This is the Proceedings of IRNOP VII Project Research Conference. IRNOP-the International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-was founded in 1993 as a loosely coupled network of researchers in countries all over the world. The IRNOP network connects scholars with a background in business, economics, engineering and other fields, with a common interest in projects, project organizations and temporary systems. IRNOP VII publish research papers addressing issues within the broad project management and project organization field. This includes both narrow analysis of project management practices as well as broader reflections on the impact of projects on for example corporate management or corporate networks. Topics as well as broader reflections on the impact of projects on for example corporate management or corporate networks. Topics as Enterprise Project management, Managing mega-projects and project dynamics are more focused on for IRNOP VIII.


PART ONE: ORGANIZATION  Recent Developments in Project-Based Organisations  Strategic management of project organization using a project-based approach  Strategic Management Tolls in Projects Case Construction Project  People capability: a central organisational capability for project-based organisations  The role of long-term inter-organizational relationships in Chinal Based on Project  The Improvement of Agent-Construction System in Public in China on Project  IT Project managers' Perceptions of Benefits Realisation Management  R & D Protfolio Selection With Project Interactions and Risk  The research of applying Benchmarking to the value stream analysis of project management  A New study Domain: The Enterprise Project Management Body of Knowledge  PROJECT MANAGEMENT'S CONTRIBUTION TO SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS: The Case of Bulgaria  Making Performance Happen Using Collaborative Working Arrangement in the Construction Industry  Incentive Contracts in Construction Projects: Practitioner attitudes and experiencesPART TWO: PEOPLE  The Subliminal Characteristics of Project Managers: An Exploratory Study of Optimism Overcoming  Challenge in the Project Management Work Environment  Coping With Stress: Dispositional Coping Strategies of Project Managers  The Two Dimensional of Virtual and Collocated Project Teams of What Project Team Members WANT and CET: An Empirical Study  Project Teams and High-Performing Project Culture  Affective Climate and Team Performance in Aircraft Cooperative R&D Projects of China……PART THREE: KNOWLEDGEPART FOUR: DISCIPLINEPART FIVE: PLANNING AND CONTROL



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