出版時間:2006-9 出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社 作者:普羅科斯 頁數(shù):1002
1 Introduction 1.1 Elements of a DigitaL Communication System 1.2 Communication Channels and Their Characteristics 1.3 Mathematical Models for Commumication Channels 1.4 A Historical Perspecove in the Development of Digital CommumiCations 1.5 Overview of the Book 1.6 Bibliographical Notes and References2 Probability and Stochasic Processes 2.1 Probability 2.1.1 Random Variables,Probability Distribrtions,and Probability Densities/2.12Fumctions of Random Variables/2.13 Statistcal Averages of Random V ariables/2.14Soum Usefr|ul Probability Distributions/2.15 Upper Boumds on the Tlil Prbadbility/2.16 Sums of Random V ariables and the Central Limit Theorem 2.2 Stochatsic Processes 2.2.1 Statistical Averages/2.2.2 Pomer Density Spectrum/2.2.3 Response of a Linear Time-Invariant System to a Random Input Signal/2.2.4 Samplimn Teorem forM Band-Limited Stochastic Processes/2.2.5 Discrete-Time Stochastic Sigmals and Sstems /2.2.6 Cyclostationary Processes 2.3 Bibliographical Notes and References Problems3 Source Coding 3.1 MathematicaL Models for Information Sources 3.2 A logarihmic Measure of Information 3.2.1 Average MutuaL Information and Entropy/3.2.2 Information Measures for Comtinuous Random V ariables 3.3 Coding for Discrete Sources 3.3.1 Coding fou Discrete Memorless Sources/3.3.2 Discrete Stationary Sources/3.3.3 The Lempel-Ziv Algorithm ……4 Characterixation of Commrnication Signals and Systems5 Optimum Receivers for the Additive White GaussiaN Noise Channel6 Carrer and Symbol Synchromxiation7 Channel Capacity and Coding8 Block and ConvvolutionaL Channel Codes9 Signal Design for Band-Limited Channels10 Communication Through Band-Limited Linear FIlter Channels11 Adaptive Equalization12 Multichannel and Multicarrier Systems13 Spread Spectrum Signals for DigitaL CommunicaTions14 DigitaL Communications Through Fading Multipagh Channels15 Mrltiuser CommunicationsAppendix A The Levinson-Durbin AlgorithmAppendix B Error Probability for Muitichannel BinarY SignalsAppendix C Error Probabilities for Adaptive Reception of M-Phade SignalsAppendix D Square-Root Factorization