
出版時間:2006-2  出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社  作者:王冰  頁數(shù):235  


本書選取一些英文原文文章,在內(nèi)容的編排上由淺入深,基本涵蓋了商務(wù)的幾個主要方面,這些文章難度適中,語言流暢,既具有很強的專業(yè)性又具有很好的可讀性。本書共分7章單元,包括互聯(lián)網(wǎng)基礎(chǔ)、電子商務(wù)基礎(chǔ)、網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)網(wǎng)站、企業(yè)電子商務(wù)、電子商務(wù)的安全技術(shù)和電子商務(wù)法。為了便于讀者自學,本書選取的每一篇文章都被精心地翻譯為中文,附在課文之后。此外,本書考慮到高職高專學生英語水平,特選取英語語未能的重點、難點和翻譯技巧加以講解,這對提高學生的閱讀和翻譯水平將起到不可小視的作用。    本書既可作為高等職業(yè)教育和大專院校電子商務(wù)專業(yè)經(jīng)營類專業(yè)學生的教材,也可供電子商務(wù)從業(yè)人員和企業(yè)管理人員閱讀。


Unit 1 The Internet Basics  Lesson 1 The Basic Principal of E-mail    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文  Lesson 2 How was the Internet Invented?    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文  Lesson 3 Understanding the World Wide Web    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文  Lesson 4 How Does the Internet Work?    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文Unit 2 Foundations of Electronic Commerce  Lesson 5 The Origins and Development of Electronic Commerce    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文  Lesson 6 Definitions of Electronic Commerce    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文  Lesson 7 The Technological Foundations of Electronic Commerce    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文  Lesson 8 Business Models of Electronic Commerce    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文Unit 3 The Internet Marketing  Lesson 9 How To Start an Internet Marketing With Web    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文  Lesson 10 About E-marketing Strategies    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    參考譯文  Lesson 11 The Method of Permission E-mail Marketing  ……Unit 4 The Internet Web SiteUnit 5 Enterpries E-commerceUnit 6 Security Technology of E-commerceUnit 7 E-commerce Law模擬試題參考文獻



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用戶評論 (總計2條)


  •   我的水平有限,沒有參考譯文,太難懂了。
  •   和我們的教材一樣的哦

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
