
出版時間:2012-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:孔尚任  頁數(shù):361  


孔尚任編著的《桃花扇》內(nèi)容介紹:In 1699, after more
than ten years" work on three different drafts, KungShang-jen
finally produced The Peach Blossom Fan, a traditional opera inforty
scenes. The heroine of the play, Li Hsiang-chun, was a famous
courte-san in Nanking at the end of the Ming dynasty. Her love for
Hou Chao-tsung, the hero of the drama_ and many of the' characters
and incidents con-nected with their romance were for the most part
based on fact. And KungShang-jen used these events and characters
to present the rise and fall of the.southern Ming regime in 1644
and 1645.




A List of Main Characte
"The Peach Blossom Fan" and Its Author
Samples of Manuscript
Early Sounds
At a Raconteur's
A Music Lesson
Riot at Sacrifice
A Troupe Lent
At Nest of Warmth
Fragrant Sleep
Dowry Rejected
At Riveide Lodge
Pacifying Troops
A Letter is Written
At Army Headquarte
Mourning for King
Villai Disappointed
To Greet a King
The New Court
Rejecting a Match
Fight over Precedence
Peace or War
Change of Front
A Monody
Keeping Her Bower
The Fan is Sent
Cuing Officials at the Feast
Choosing Playe
The General Slain
Encounter in the Boats
Icription on the Painting
Arresting the Revived Club Membe
Retiring to Mountai
Drafting a Plea
Wohip at the Altar
Meeting in Prison
Interception at Panchi
Pledge of the Army
Flight from War
Capture of the Treasure
Drowning in the River
Lodging in Hermitage
Taking Orde
A Few Words after Tralation


  Which soon turn tail and backwards flee.  I'm Huang Te-Kung, also named Hu-san, well known for bravery, my loyal heart is filled with indignation. I swear to recover the wide expanse oflostland for Emperor Hungkuang, but regretfully, the two generals Liu have yet made no contribution, and General Tso poses a great threat. Now I've received the martial orders of Minister of the Army Yuan, summoning me to station my army at Panchi to intercept General Tso's troops. This task is not to be trified with. (Calling. Where's my general Tien Hsiung?  Tien: Here.  Huang: Immediately tell the three forces to wait for my orders. (Thesoldiers stand in battle array and shout. Huang sings.)  The chieftain of rebels dare His majesty defy,  The mob of bandits obey not command of the Emperor,  The Sovereign is fragile and weak, pale in colour,  The courtiers struggle fierce for position high.  I alone am left at the river to look forth  And guard against the galloping steeds from north,  When news comes that towering ships have reached the estuary.  The wamors with no fears,  Over the upper stream the banners wildly fiy;  The rapiers and spears,  Over the downward flow the smoking fiames rise high. ?。℉uang's soldiers mount the tower. Tso's soldiers in white uniform with wlute banners in their hands shout on the ships. Huang's soldiers shoot at them, they in defeat retreat, and Huang's soldiers rush down in pursuit.)  Tso: (Sitting in the ship, in white armour and helmet, singing.)  The tyrannic king takes revenge for courtiers vile,  The viaous courtiers fawn upon the monarch imbecile;  The turncoat officials bow low to the enemy reign,  The bastard generals swear allegiance to the evil sovereign,  To His majesty in heaven a loyal heart I bare,  To rescue the crown prince in haste is my care,  Though an infamy of a myriad years I may bear.  ……



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