
出版時間:2011-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:布里斯  頁數(shù):243  


This unique book shows why many believe China
is the next "tidal wave" of opportun ty for art collector.s: the
sheer creative output,the artistic variety and diversity now
blooming from within a country where,only a few decades ago, such
expression would be repressed.
In the West, contemporary Chinese art has become
the subject of intense fascination and speculation. In this book,
writer and photographer Jon Burris profiles twenty-five top
contemporary Chinese painters, sculptors,photographers, and
conceptual artists, taking the reader into their studios and
presenting intimate glimpses into their life and work. As a result,
he offers a lingering portrait of the contemporary Chinese art
From the symbolist paintings of Zhang Xiaogang,
to the cynical realist works of Yue Minjun and the political pop
canvases of Wang Guangyi, Burris details the historical, political,
and cultural mimesis shaping China's contemporary artists.A
must-have book for admirers of contemporary Chinese art.


He Sen
Huang Gang
Ji Dachun
Lin Tianmlao
Liu Jianhua
Liu Xiaodong
Liu Ye
Qi Zhilong
Rong Rong and Inri
Shi Guorui
Su Xinping
Sui Jianguo
Wang Guangyi
Wang Huaiqing
Wang Jianwei
Wang Tiantian
Yan Ping
Yang Shaobin
Yu Hong
Yue Minjun
Zhang Huan
Zhang Xiaogang
Zhong Biao
Zhou Tiehai





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