
出版時(shí)間:2010-10  出版社:外文出版社  作者:崔永強(qiáng)  頁(yè)數(shù):236  


AcupunCture and moxibustion are an imiportant com ponent part of Traditionat Chinese Medicine (TCM)、heir effectiveness lln|preventing and curing diseases and.improving peopte's hearth has aroused ilncreaslng Interest among peopte atI over the WOrtd.  This book has lbeen compited on the basis of basic TCM principtes and ctinicat the same time referring to traditionat modes of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion tests and iretevant teaching materiats currentty in use at home and abroad.Containing nlultipIe-choice and traditionat questions together with their answers.the book iS usefut as a source of ready-made questions for use by examiners.a(chǎn) source of ideas for them in the construction of new qIuestions.a(chǎn)n aid to students ptanning to take tests of the subject.a(chǎn)nd a means by which to assess One's own progress in the acquiring of TCM knowtedge.  Training courses for TCM and Chinese Acu puncture at the hospitat where the author has been working for over 20 1years.Rated among the country'S best TCM hospitats and modet lhospitats since 1994.Guang'anmen Beijin9,China.the official.TCM hospitat for 2008 0tympic Games,the onty Bupa-recognized TCM service provider of excettence andI one of the WHO cottaborative centers for traditionat medicine.1S ageneral hospitaI of integrative lmedicine With 650 inpatient beds and over 7,500 daity outpatient visits.A variety of TCM treatment methods have been furty integrated with modern medicine in each of its 26 ctinicat departments for over 50 years. Focusing on ctinicat teaching,the Internationat Training Center of Guang anmen Hospitat has been dedicated to short-term courses with a ftexibte course length such as Continuing Medicat Education (cME)programs for medical doctors.skitts training for TCMl practitioners,Continuing Nursing Education lCNEl Iprograms for nurses.overseas etectives for medicat students and Introductory COurses for hearth officiats.Contact the center by emait at or cuitcmI' for more information or by fax at 0086-10-88001262.


Part One Multiple—choice Questions"A"pe Questions  Ⅰ.Yin-Yang and the Five Elements  Ⅱ.Zang-Fu,Qi,Blood and Body Fluid  Ⅲ.The Channels,Collaterals and Acupoints  Ⅳ.Diagnostic Methods  Ⅴ.Differentiation of Syndromes  Ⅵ.Techniques of Acupuncture,Moxibustion and Cupping      Ⅶ.Treatment of Diseases    Solutions to the Exercises"B"Type Questions  Ⅰ.Yin-Yang and the Five Elements  Ⅱ.Zang-Fu,Qi,Blood and Body Fluid  Ⅲ.The Channels,Collaterals and Acupoints  Ⅳ.Diagnostic Methods  Ⅴ.Differentiation of Syndromes  Ⅵ.Techniques of Acupuncture,Moxibustion and Cupping  Ⅶ.Treatment of Diseases  Solutions to the Exercises"C"Type Questions  Ⅰ.Yin-Yang and the Five Elements  Ⅱ.Zang-Fu,Qi,Blood and Body Fluid  Ⅲ.The Channels,Collaterals and Acupoints  Ⅳ.Diagnostic Methods  Ⅴ.Differentiation of Syndromes  Ⅵ.Techniques of Acupuncture,Moxibustion and Cupping  Ⅶ.Treatment of Diseases  Solutions to the Exercises'K"Type Questions  Ⅰ.Yin-Yang and the Five Elements  Ⅱ.Zang-Fu,Qi,Blood and Body Fluid  Ⅲ.The Channels,Collaterals and Acupoints  Ⅳ.Diagnostic Methods  Ⅴ.Differentiation of Syndromes  Ⅵ.Techniques of Acupuncture,Moxibustion and Cupping  Ⅶ.Treatment of Diseases  Sol utions to the Exercises Part Two TraditionaI Questions  Ⅰ.Underline the Part ofthe Statement Which Is Incorrect  Solutions to the Exercises  Ⅱ. TrtJe or FaIse ……Appendixes



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