
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:何兆興、等、 章挺權(quán) 外文出版社 (2010-04出版)  作者:何兆興 編  頁數(shù):130  譯者:章挺權(quán)  


  TongLi is known as a museum of architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).Among the stunning structures there are the Fuji HALL, the Chongben Hart, the Former Residence of Ji Cheng and the OLd Residence of Chen Qubing, aLL wett preserved ancient houses. The Tuisi Garden epitomizes garden architecture in southeast China. The "bridge gatLery" - a bridge that spans a corridor - and the stone boat are the garden's main attrac- tions. Sitting in the stone boat, visitors can enjoy the green hilts and crystaL-dear water.


AWaterTown on the Land of Plenty by the YangtzeLand of Rice and FishPicturesque Water View Dotted withHouses and BridgesThe Many Delights of Tuisi GardenMemorial Archway of the Chen Family and the Pear/PagodaAncient Housing CompoundsCarved Designs in Chongben HallThe Best Teahouse in Southeast ChinaFormer Residence Of Chen QubingFolk ResidencesUnique Bridges and Local CustomsListening to the Rain on LuoxingzhouScenic SpotsAccommodationLocaI DelicaciesHow to Get to TongliTicket Prices


插圖:The storv goes back many years.The city of Fuyang inZhejiang Province SOffered from a succession of famines,and many people 1eft their birthplaces and came to Tonglito reclaim wasteland for crop growing.Thanks to theirpainstaking labor and the good climate,the migrants be-gan to lead a good life.Hence the name Futu. After Emperor Yandi(r.6 05-61 8)of the Sui Dynastytook the throne,he began to live extravagantly and ig-nored state affairs,thus soon depleting the treasury.One year,the country was hit with a severe drought in the north and floods in the south,and many famine-struck regions could not deliver the grain that they used to paytheir taxes.The emperor issued an edict ordering the people of Futu each to pay 3 0 additional liters of grain within ten days,and that those who failed to pay would be severely punished.After hearing this,the people of Futu became very worried.They asked a local scholar surnamed Jin for advice,and he came up with a plan.When the deadline passed and some people had not paid their grain,an imperial envoy came to the town to urge them to comply.The scholar Jin,together with the local people,kneeled along the shore to greet him.


《同里(英文)(圖文版)》:Tongli iS known as a museum of architectureof the Min8 and Qing dynasties(1368-1911).Among the stunning structures there are theFuji Hall,the Chongben Hall,the FormerResidence of Ji Chen8 and the Old Residenceof Chen Qubing.all well preserved ancienthouses.The Tuisi Garden epitomizes gardenarchitecture in southeast China.The“bddgegallery”a bddge that spans a corndor-andthe stone boat are the garden'S main attrac-tions.Sitting in the stone boat.vjsitors canenjoy the green hitts and crystal-clear watenOn Luoxingzhou.an islet in the lakecompLeteLy surrounded by wate5 there standsa tall pavilion from which v0U can Iook outover a vast expanse of water and mist.TheHall of Lord Guan.the Hall of Guanvin and theWenchang Pavilion represent the coexistenceof Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism on theislet.WaLking along Ming-Q1ng Street and thenacross the Three Bridges,y0U can wish forpeace,luck and happiness。And It is believedyour wishes wiII come true.In the FormerResidence of Chen Wangdao.visitors listen tothe music of local strnged instrumentsaccompanying ancient love stories.



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