出版時(shí)間:2009-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:遲福林 編 頁(yè)數(shù):203 譯者:外文出版社英文部
The year 2009 is a crucial one for China's reform and development. As the international financial crisis comes at a time of China's economiccycle, China faces serious challenges in the course of its reform and devel-opment. The international financial crisis, triggered by the US subprimemortgage crisis, is spreading around the world, and seriously affectingChina's development. It affects China in all fields and at all levels: It is a hugeattack from the outside, which drags China into the crisis as the country isdeeply involved in economic globalization; it is also a profound attack fromthe inside, bringing about unprecedented challenges to China's economicgrowth, and exposing some innate contradictions in its economic growthpattern.Reform and development over the past 30 years have lifted China fromthe stage of subsistence up to the stage of development. Since 2000, thetransformations of the economic growth pattern, social needs and govern-ment functions have brought about more pressures on the social fabric. Theinfluence of the international financial crisis and the growing pressure fromChinas transformation pose two strategic challenges for China's reform anddevelopment in the next 30 years.
《中國(guó)信心,全球危機(jī)下的中國(guó)改革(英文版)》內(nèi)容簡(jiǎn)介:This book gives ideas and suggestions from the perspective ofChina's tmnsfor- marion in the spheres of economy, society and development for the Chinesegovernment on how to deal with the intemationalfinancial crisis and deepen thereform. It discusses the topic ~crisis challenges reform" in five chapters: ChapterI analyzes the situation and contradictions that China faces for its reform underthe dual pressure from the international financial crisis and domestic transforma-tion, and then discusses the major tasks of further reform. Chapter II takes intoconsideration both economic growth in the short run and the transformation ofthe economic growth pattern in the light of medium and long-term development,and then proposes the reform package. Chapter III proposes social restructuringin view of expanding domestic demand, and raises ideas and suggestions for con-ducting positive social reform to handle economic pressure. Chapter 1V discussesChinas opening-up against the background of the international financial crisis,and urges the seizing of historical opportunities presented by the crisis to furtherimplement the strategy of opening-up. Chapter V puts emphasis on improvinggovernment performance and reform, and raises several suggestions in the lightof objecrive requirements that the crisis entails with regard to the transformationof government functions. The Afterword makes a brief analysis of Chinas reformin the current stage regarding its overall situation and basic features, and summa-rizes policies and measures for promoting structural reforms.
ForewordChapter I The Next Step in the Reform under the Dual Pressure of the Financial Crisis and Overall Transformation 1. The International Financial Crisis Is Not Over, and China Faces Unprecedented Challenges in Its Reform and Development 2. China Needs to Accelerate the Transformation of Its Economic Growth Pattern 3. In Face of the Dual Pressure From the Financial Crisis and the Transformation of the Economic Growth Pattern, China Faces Conspicuous Structural Contradictions in Its Efforts for the Sustainable Development of Its Economy and Society 4. The Chinese Government Needs to Advance a Package of Reforms and Provide an Institutional Guarantee for Economic Stimulus Chapter IIPromoting Stable Economic Growth with New Breakthroughs in Market-oriented Reform 1. Accelerating Resources and Environmental Price Reform 2. Promoting Reform in Monopoly Industries 3. The Key to Expanding Social Investment Is to Further Break Down the System Barriers to the Private Economy 4. Deepening Rural Reform Is the Key to Stimulating Rural Consumption S. Adopting a Proactive Fiscal Policy, and Accelerating Finance and Taxation System Reform 6. Promoting Financial System Reform in Implementing a Moderately Easy Monetary Policy Chapter Ill Economic Pressure Release through Social ReformChapter IV The International Financial Crisis and Proactive Opening-up Strategy Chapter V Government Construction and Reform During the Crisis Conclusion: Road to Structural Reforms
插圖:1. The International Financial Crisis Is Not Over, and China Faces Unprecedented Challenges in Its Reform and Development Triggered by the US subprime mortgage crisis, this internationalfinancial crisis can be compared to the Great Depression of 1929-1933 in terms of the impact around the world. It may becomeworse and widen, and have an even deeper impact. In particular,its impact on the economy is under close observation.(1) The Crisis Is Unprecedented This international financial crisis is the worst in many years,and will result in a growth rate decrease in the major economiesaround the world. It is expected that in 2009 the US economy willdecrease by one percent, while Japan and major European coun-tries will also stay in recession. The growth rate of the world'soutput value decreased from 3.8 percent in 2007 to 2.5 percent in2008, and it is estimated to fall to one percent in 2009. This crisis is also the biggest challenge that China has faced inits over 30 years of reform and opening-up. Over the past three de-cades, the external environment in general has been favorable forChina's reform and development. Although China was affected bythe Asian financial crisis of 1998, it managed to recover quickly. Animportant factor at that time was that the developed countries ofEurope and the United States maintained steady growth. After theAsian financial crisis, China saw a remarkable increase in its foreigntrade surplus and a steady growth in its foreign exchange reserve,becoming the country with the biggest foreign exchange reserve inthe world.
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