
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:楊甲三  頁數(shù):78  


Acupuncture and moxibustion are two distinctive fields of traditional.Chinese medicine that have no known paraUel,in the West.Acupuncture treats diseases by puncturing certain points on the body cal,l,ed acupoints with tong metal.needl,es and inducing stimul.ation by various manipulation methods.Moxibustion invol,ves the sl,ow burning of moxa or other material.s to heat or steam the diseased area or acupoints.To achieve the desired therapeutic effect the significance of[ocating acupoints accurately cannot be overemphasized.Dr Yang Jiasan.associate professor and head of the Acupuncture Department at Dongzhimen Hospital.has been both a teacher and a cl,inician for decades.Through practice as wel,[as study of acupuncture l,iterature both ancient and modern.he has developed a method of l,ocating points that those tacking knowledge of traditional,Chinese medical.theory find easy to grasp because it uses modern anatomical.landmarks as much as possible.Its efficiency has been appreciated by students as wel,l,as patients of acupuncture treatment.


PREFACEPROPORTIONAL DIVISION I.THE METHOD OF LOCATlNG POlNTS OF THE THREE YIN CHANNELSOF HAN D  1.The Lung Channel of Hand.Taiyin  2.The Heart Channel of Hand-Shaoyin  3.The Pericardium ChanneI of Handqueyin  4.The Summing-up of Locating Points of the Three Yin Channels Of HandII.THE METHOD OF LOCATlNG POINIS OF THE THREE YANG CHANNELS OFlAN D  1.The Large Intestine Channel of Hand-Yangming  2.The Small Intestine ChanneI of Hand.Taiyang  3.The SanjiaO Channel Of Hand-ShaOyang  4.The Summing-up Of LOcating POints in Three Yang Channels Of HandIII.THE METHOD OF LOCATlNG POINTS OF THE THREE YANG CHANNELS OF F00t  1.The StOmach Channel Of FOOt-Yangming  2.The Urinary Bladder Channel Of FOOt-Taiyang  3.The GalI Bladder ChanneI Of FOOt ShaOyang  4.The Summing-up Of the Three Yang Channels Of FOOt AccOrding tO the Different Prts of the BodyIV THE METHOD OF LOCATlNG POINTS ON THE THREE YIN CHANNELSOF F00t  1.The Spleen ChanneI of Foot-Taiyin  2.The Kidney Channel of Foot.Shaoyin  3.The Liver Channel of Foot-Jueyin  4.The Summing-up of the Three Yin Channels of Foot According to Different Parts of the BodyV THE METHOD OF LOCATING POINTS lN GV AND CV CHANNELS  1.In GV Channel  2.In CV ChannelVI.THE RULE OF LOCATlNG POINTS ON THE TRUNK



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