
出版時間:2009-10  出版社:外文出版社  作者:張頤武 編  頁數(shù):411  


《21世紀中國當(dāng)代文學(xué)書庫》,收錄的是1995年以來發(fā)表的作品。這些作品與這個時期的中國社會緊密相聯(lián),通過文學(xué)形象反映了新時期中國民眾的生活與情感,是當(dāng)今歐美國家讀者真正想了解的中國的真實狀況。亦是真正的關(guān)于當(dāng)代中國的選題。     本書是“21世紀中國當(dāng)代文學(xué)書庫”之《到城里去——鄉(xiāng)土文學(xué)卷》收錄的9部作品,從各個側(cè)面書寫了我們這個國度的鄉(xiāng)土面孔、鄉(xiāng)土靈魂、鄉(xiāng)土記憶、鄉(xiāng)土情感,拼合起來,就是中國人的總體心靈肖像。其中包括孫惠芬的《歇馬山莊的兩個女人》、陳忠實的《日子》、葛水平的《地氣》等。


  Zhang Yiwu is a Professor and PhD supervisor at Peking University's Chinese Language and Literature Department, and Deputy Head of the Peking University Cultural Resources Research Center. He specializes in teaching and research in Chinese contemporary literature, mass culture and critical theory. Since the 1990s, Zhang has engaged in a series of pioneering research examining the "relationship between globalization and China's contemporary mass culture," offering insightful interpretations of current cultural phenomena in Chinese society during this transitional phase. His main works are: Searching at the Margins, The Big Turn, From Modernity to Post-modernity, Images of "New New China," and Globalization and Chinese Film in Transition. He also compiled Cultural Development History during Thirty Years of China's Reform and Opening-up.


21st Century Chinese Literature -- Points of DepartureDreams and Realities of Going to TownThe Berry PickersTwo Women in Xiema Mountain VillageDay in Day outUpperVital EarthA Ram Goes VisitingCynomorium ShootsGoing to TownThe Horse GraveEditor's Recommended Reading (in Chinese)



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