出版時間:2009-10 出版社:外文出版社 作者:簡·奧斯汀 頁數:264
小說圍繞班奈特太太如何把五個女兒嫁出去的主題展開。達西富有驕傲,代表傲慢;伊麗沙白聰明任性,代表偏見。最后,真愛終于打破了這種傲慢和偏見,小說在結婚典禮中結束,奧斯汀在這部小說中饒有風趣地反映了18世紀末、19世紀初英國鄉(xiāng)情風俗和世態(tài)人情,給人以藝術的想象,是一部社會風俗喜劇佳作。 本書為《世界名著佳段閱讀》叢書之一。
Mr. Hurst hadtherefore nothing to do, but to stretch himself on oneof the sofas and go to sleep. Darcy took up a book;Miss Bingley did the same; and Mrs. Hurst, principallyoccupied in playing with her bracelets and tings, joinednow and then in her brothers conversation with MissBennet. Miss Bingleys attention was quite as muchengaged in watching Mr. Darcys progress through hisbook, as in reading her own; and she was perpetuallyeither making some inquiry, or looking at his page. Shecould not win him, however, to any conversation; hemerely answered her question, and read on. At length, quite exhausted by the attempt to be amused withher own book, which she had only chosen because itwas the second volume of his, she gave a great yawnand said, "How pleasant it is to spend an evening inthis way! I declare after aU there is no enjoyment likereading! How much sooner one fires of anything thanof a book!——When I have a house of my own, I shallbe miserable if I have not an excellent library." No one made any reply. She then yawnedagain, threw aside her book, and cast her eyes roundthe room in quest of some amusement; when hearingher brother mentioning a ball to Miss Bennet, sheturned suddenly towards him and said, "By the bye, Charles, are you really serious inmeditating a dance at Netherfield?nI would adviseyou, before you determine on it, to consult the wishesof the present party; I am much mistaken if there arenot some among us to whom a ball would be rather apunishment than a pleasure." "If you mean Darcy," cried her brother, "hemay go to bed, if he chooses, before it begins——butas for the ball, it is quite a settled thing; and as soonas Nicholls has made white soup enough I shall sendround my cards."