出版時(shí)間:2009-10  出版社:外文出版社  作者:瑪格麗特·米切爾  頁數(shù):256  


《飄》是一部取材于美國南北戰(zhàn)爭和戰(zhàn)后重建的小說,書名直譯應(yīng)為“隨風(fēng)飄逝”,它出自書中女主人公思嘉之口,大意是說那場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)爭像颶風(fēng)一般卷走了她的“整個(gè)世界”,她家的農(nóng)場(chǎng)也“隨風(fēng)飄逝”了。思嘉以這一短語抒發(fā)了南方農(nóng)場(chǎng)主的思想感情,作者用來作為書名,也表明了她對(duì)南北戰(zhàn)爭的觀點(diǎn),這與本書內(nèi)容是完全一致的。     本書為《世界名著佳段閱讀》叢書之一。


  She had never understood either of the menshe had loved and so she had lost them both. Now,she had a fumbling knowledge that, had she everunderstood Ashley, she would never have loved him;had she ever understood Rhett, she would never havelost him. She wondered forlornly if she had ever reallyunderstood anyone in the world.  There was a merciful dullness in her mindnow, a dullness that she knew from long experiencewould soon give way to sharp pain, even as severedtissues, shocked by the surgeons knife, have a briefinstant of insensibility before their agony begins.  "I wont think of it now," she thought grimly,summoning up her old charm. "Ill go crazy ff I thinkabout losing him now. IU think of it tomorrow."  "But," cried her heart, casting aside the charmand beginning to ache, "I cant let him go! There mustbe some way!"  "I wont think of it now," she said again, aloud,trying to push her misery to the back of her mind,trying to find some bulwark against the rising tide ofpain. Tll——why, IU go home to Tara tomorrow," andher spirits lifted faintly.  She had gone back to Tara once in fear anddefeat and she had emerged from its sheltering wallsstrong and armed for victory. What she had done once,somehow——please God, she could do again! How, shedid not know. She did not want to think of that now.All she wanted was a breathing space in which to hurt,a quiet place to lick her wounds, a haven in which toplan her campaign. She thought of Tara and it was asif a gentle cool hand were stealing over her heart. Shecould see the white house gleaming welcome to herthrough the reddening autumn leaves, feel the quiethush of the country twilight coming down over herlike a benediction, feel the dews falling on the acresof green bushes starred with fleecy white, see the rawcolor of the red earth and the dismal dark beauty of thepines on the rolling hills.






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用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)27條)


  •   很經(jīng)典的一本小說,書整體也不錯(cuò)哦
  •   文學(xué)名著,對(duì)英文學(xué)習(xí)有幫助!
  •   雖然買錯(cuò)了,但是英文自己翻譯有助于增強(qiáng)閱讀
  •   書一收到,便于攜帶,紙質(zhì)不錯(cuò),就是來得及看。
  •   內(nèi)容可以,價(jià)格也很好
  •   看了電影,特來看原著
  •   學(xué)習(xí)英語的人應(yīng)該看看,翻譯的很經(jīng)典,中英文對(duì)照的
  •   是中英互譯的
  •   這個(gè)還不錯(cuò),幫同學(xué)買的,忽忽、
  •   很好,對(duì)提高英語很有幫助,也豐富了很多知識(shí)
  •   挺好的,正版,物流也挺快的。
  •   本來就比較喜歡飄,可是這本不全,只是一部分而已,不過是為了湊夠30塊而已
  •   摘自飄當(dāng)中精句,中英文的對(duì)照,看得很有感覺,價(jià)格也是沒話說。
  •   英漢對(duì)照,既可以讀小說又可以提高英語水平,不錯(cuò)
  •   中英混合的很好
  •   感覺不錯(cuò),整體較好。
  •   是替朋友代買的,至于效果或是觀后感如何,不便發(fā)表評(píng)論??!
  •   雖然有中英對(duì)照,但是卻只是“佳段閱讀”,覺得自己買錯(cuò)了。。。
  •   本來以為是中英結(jié)合版的,沒想到是佳段閱讀。
  •   是刪減版的,書太薄了,我同學(xué)買了上下兩冊(cè)那么厚的書也才花了十多塊錢。這種版本只能為了涂個(gè)方便
  •   不是全本書,還好吧是中英文版
  •   內(nèi)容還不錯(cuò)...就是情節(jié)有點(diǎn)脫節(jié)...
  •   還好吧
  •   好像有刪減,很多
  •   比普通的書小了點(diǎn)
  •   還在封存狀態(tài)
  •   外文好書

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