
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:熊光楷  


《國際形勢與安全戰(zhàn)略:英文》內(nèi)容簡介:As far as China is concerned, the relations with the major powers, the neighboring countries and the developing countries, and multilateral relations compose the whole picture of its overall international strategic landscape, with its relations with the major powers as the focal points, that with the neighboring countries as the essential points, that with the developing countries as the basic points, and multilateral relations as the shining points.
Drawing from the reasonable elements of existing concepts, such as common security, mutual security, cooperative security', comprehensive Security and collective security, China has put forward a new security concept, with mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality,, and coordination" as its core. As 1 understand, the foyer elements supplement each other and form an organic whole. Mutual trust is the foundation of the new security concept, mutual benefit its objective, equality its guarantee, and coordination the way it operates.




Section OneInternational Strategic Situation: Retrospect and ProspectThe International Strategic Situation at the Dawn of the New CenturyThe International Strategic Situation in 2003: Retrospect and ProspectThe International Strategic Situation in 2004: Retrospect and ProspectThe International Security Situation in 2005: Retrospect and ProspectChina's International Strategic SituationMain Features of the International Security Landscape in 2008Section TwoNational Security Strategy and PolicyThe New Security Concept Initiated by ChinaCarry Forward the“Shanghai Spirit”, Promote Peace and DevelopmentEnhance Cooperation and Stand up to Challenges TogetherStand up to New Challenges Hand in Hand and Together We Build a Happy Home for All MankindChina's National Security Strategy and PolicyCope with New Challenges with Proper Skills and Build up Global Energy Security with Joint EffortsInformation Era and National SecurityChina's Peaceful Development and International SecurityEnhance International Cooperation in Public Health SecurityChina's Security Policy TodaySection ThreeInternational Relations and Foreign PoliciesChina's Views and Policies on Regional and Functional Security IssuesEnhance Mutual Trust, Broaden Cooperation and Further China-U.S.-Europe RelationsStrengthen Strategic Coordination, Promote Peace and DevelopmentFor Common Security in a Harmonious Asia-PacificGreat Change, Great Realignment and Great DiplomacySection FourMilitary Diplomacy and BuildingOn Revolution in Military AffairsOn World Revolution in Military Affairs and Chinese Military BuildingChina's Military Diplomacy in Relation to Her Foreign Policy and National Defense PolicyInternational and Regional Security Situation and the Role of the ArmedForces in Maintaining SecurityMaintain World Peace, Promote Common Development: A Historic Mission of the PLAChina's Path of Peaceful Development and the Development of the PLA


As we enter the new century, the world is still not peaceful. Hegemonism, power politics and military interventionism still exist and are developing further. Various factors still exist that may induce armed conflicts and local wars, or even large-scale local wars of high intensity and under hi-tech conditions. Nevertheless, the voices for peace, stability and development around the world are getting even louder. The forces for peace which oppose hegemonism and power politics are growing. A new world war can still be avoided for a fairly long time to come. The international situation, in general, will continue to relax while peace and development will remain the major themes of our times at the dawn of the new century.There is no doubt that what we are building is socialism with Chinese characteristics and there is bound to be contradictions and struggles with Western capitalism. However, one must look at the issue from a historical perspective and in a comprehensive and objective manner. The socialist movement has a history of only 150-plus years. It has developed and made continuous progress, from the Communist League in 1847 to the Russian Bolsheviks, and finally to the Chinese Communist Party, and from the Communist Manifesto and scientific socialism of 1848 to China's Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping's theory and Comrade Jiang Zemin's important thesis of the “Three Represents”. The "Three Represents" are an abbreviated version of Jiang'sthesis that the CPC must always represent the development trend of China's advanced productive forces, represent the orientation of China's advanced culture and represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. In the 20th Century, socialism experienced both ups and downs. It made brilliant achievements, but also suffered setbacks. There were high tides and low tides. However, setbacks and low tides do not mean that socialism has no future.





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