
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:方雯  頁數(shù):123  


  If you were someone with an incurable disease that would soon cut your life short,how would you spend your precious remaining days in this world? If you were to have a sick child who needed full-time care and might leave you forever at any time, what would you do? Whatever choice you were to make, people would likely be compassionate and understanding. Most people dying from a degenerative disease prefer to spend their last days peacefully. But a father with his sick son took the time to travel around China to say thanks to everyone who had helped them.


Part Ⅰ Life's Countdown Started at the Age of 7Full-time DadChild of the Whole NeighborhoodLearning the TruthA Flood of LoveStreet PeddlerA Suicide AttemptPart Ⅱ Pedal a Tricycle to Tian'anmen Square"I Want to See the Flag-Raising Ceremony in Tian'anmen Square"Setting out on a Rainy DayA Day Is as Long as a YearGetting Help Whenever They Were in NeedFree Boarding in a Star HotelThree Days of ExtravaganceDriving a Motorcycle to Tian'anmen SquarePart Ⅲ Giving Thanks PersonallyFinding the First DonorSeeing the Sea for the First TimeEncountering SuspicionA Flood EmergencyA Special Mid-Autumn FestivalLosing the PedicabRisks and DangersMeeting the Blind Girl XinyueWavering Between Going on and Giving upA Five-yuan Donation with Two-yuan ChangeSignatures and Blessings of the Dalian PeopleThe Most Beautiful Eyes in the WorldReaching the Finish LinePart Ⅳ 18th BirthdayThree Celebrations for the 18th BirthdayA "Sunny Boy" That Moves ChinaCross-country Lecture Tour"He Is a Considerate Boy"Simple FunPostscript



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