
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:New World Press  作者:Lilian Lee  頁數(shù):245  譯者:孫雷  


In the world of finance or more precisely investment banking, food is a particularly hot topic! The only "fish" we are comfortable with is to fish for companies or businesses! It's the art of the deal rather than the art of the chef that matters! Not in China! The art of the deal is as important as the art of dining. In fact, as my Chinese friends will even say, having a fine dining experience is sometimes as important, if not more important than the deal! A fine dining experience is definitely the prelude to the deal. Or prelude to more deals. Deal origination can then be said to originate from the dining table especially after a few glasses of that deceptively harmless "bai jiu"!Over in China, dining is indeed an art form. Here, dining together is more than a gathering of fellow private equity professionals, deal mak- ers or entrepreneurs. It is a social lubricant that builds relationships and strengthens ties that we so often take for granted or overlook. Through my exchange and interactions I have come to realize the real significance of China's food culture! Over here, dining is a process. A journey. Not a destination.




Lilian Lee, was born in Taiwan,and has Iived in Beijing for the Iast seven yeaYS.She studied at Peking Unive-ity's Guanghua School of Management,with a Special InternationaI MBA and an EMBA in conjunction with US Duke University's GlobaI Executive Program.With 20 years of managemen-consultancy and training experience in the international financial and investment banking industry,she iS currently the Asia-Pacific Managmg Director for London Asia CapitaI,Guest Professor at Beijing's MundelI InternationaI University of Entrepreneurship,and FinanciaI Columnist for Women Entrepreneur magazine.She iS also the Managing Director of the Sustainable Development Committee,Beijing International Exchange Association,and has been a Faci l itator for the U N Women Entrepreneurs Economy Dialogue Forum.She was the former Vice. President of ABN AM R0 Bank. Lilian is also a commitred environmentalist and Iong active in sociaI volunteer work.She has over 11 years of proactive participation and advocacy in"Sustainable Development" practices,mainly focused on providing Ieadership worldwide.She has organized Sustainable Development Forums in Beijing,and facilitated a U N Women Entrepreneurs Economy and Finance Dialogue Forum.With a speciaI focus on education,she has assisted in the establishment of the Lijiang Lugo Lake Dai-Zhu and Guizhou Bijie Hope Primary SchooIs. (Lilian Lee originally wrote this book in Chinese in 2006.She is happy to get emails from readers,with feedback or further information on new restaurants.)


Choice of Chinese Dishes 大董烤鴨 全聚德烤鴨 東來順 滿福樓 洪運(yùn)軒 岳麓屋 濠景軒 東方大班 騰格里塔拉 九門小吃 豐澤園 金谷倉 譚魚頭 渝鄉(xiāng)人家 飯前飯后 欣葉 四號廚房 格桑梅朵 瑪吉阿米 阿凡提家鄉(xiāng)音樂餐廳 甲21號 北京一夜 一坐一忘 茶馬古道 孔乙已酒家Top Eight Chinese CuisinesInternational Cuisines 比力必利非洲風(fēng)情餐吧 一千零一夜 阿根廷烤肉 莫勞龍璽 鵝和鴨 福樓 馥頌 浮士德 蘭行伯爵 申德勒加油站 雅典娜 拉茲印度音樂餐廳 天都里 安妮 嘗試 素封 隱泉 將太無二 聯(lián)聯(lián) 四葉 山釜 薩拉伯爾 壽福城 妮妮婭 墨西哥廚房 大笨象 莫斯科餐廳 彼得堡餐廳 陳福記 茵茵 饕餮源 古老?!∵_(dá)帕世 蕉葉 粉酷 暹羅泰 伊斯坦布爾 星期五 拉米熊 慶云樓Famous Chinese Teas ……Choice RestaurantsChina's Renowned LiquorsBusiness DiningChinese Table MannersPrivate DiningSeasonal Dietary RegimenSiheyuan Courtyard GastronomySimple Health Maintenance ExercisesVegetarianVibrancyEveryday Secrets to RobustnessIndexPostscriptAcknowledgement




Lilian has brought together a definitive guide of what is currently the best of Beijing, i.e., wholesome, healthy and yet delightfully delicious.., taking us on a journey that sets our senses alight! — Victor Ng, Co—founder & Group Executive Director of London Asia CapitalThe author has lived here for seven years, and gathered all her experience and inspiration to provide information on delicious dining for visitors from all over. Read it at a leisurely pace, and let it lead you through Beijing's streets and hutongs. — Wei Zhiyuan, President, Sustainable Development Committee, Beijing International Exchange Association Food is the spice of life, and Lilian Lee has found her spice in Beijing. Her journey in China has resulted in this fine book, a treasure trove of a guide to the world's best cuisines available in this 2,000—year—old capital. — Allen 71. Cheng, Asia Bureau Chief, New York Institutional Investor magazineA great idea: start from its food to get to know modernBeijing. The recommended restaurants represent thecity's best delicacies, to experience the diversityof its culture and magic! Discover special tastes,surprises and wonders.— Dong Min, Vice—President, Ninetowns GroupLilian, with friends, has visited restaurants everywhere in Beijing and tried cuisines from all over the world. This gourmet guide helps residents or visitors easily find Beijing's most delicious foods. It's truly a joy to dine with friends from afar. — Zhou Xiaohua, Great China CEO, Veolia Environmental Services


《世界美食在北京(英文版)》由外文出版社出版。When traveling around the world, for visitors venturing to new restaurants, the first delectable mouthful always leaves an indelible impression. Beijing, China's capital, an increasingly internationalized and diversified metropolis, has become a gathering point for the finest cuisines from all over the country as well as around the world. Through this variety of foods, Chinese people can taste flavors from other lands, and people from overseas will feel more at home in Beijing. The delight of dining also comes to a great extent from ease of mind, graceful settings as well as exquisite ambiance and tableware. Good food is not only about good taste, but also about the culture, aesthetic values and philosophy that lie at its root. Life is not only about eating, yet it is incomplete without enjoying food. "Every meal, every day, enrich our life with delicious cuisine." Under such a concept, A World of Fine Restaurants in Beijing collects over 250 dining spots of choice in seven categories, including "International Cuisine," "Business Dining," and "Private Dining." It provides the address, phone number, average price per head for a meal and payment forms, along with the specialties of every restaurant. Thanks to the contents layout and the index, according to dish styles, regions or other features, the book is also very appealing and easy to use.



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