
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:魏玉清  頁數(shù):112  


The Great Ming dynasty(1368-1644)wasa very important period in China'S feudalhistory.Zhu Yuanzhang,the founding emperorof Ming,was a highly legendary figure amongthe emperors in Chinese history.Born in the family of a tenant farmer.ZhuYuanzhang(1328-1398)had only a fewmonths'education under a private tutor be-fore he gave up schooling and began to herdcattle for another family.His home district wasthen struck by drought,locusts and pestilence,and his parents,brothers and nephews diedof illness one after another.As he was unableto make a living at 16,he became a monk,wandered frOm place to place and lived bybegging for alms.This experience in his youth-ful days enabled him to understand deeply thehardships of life and the sufferings of thepeople of the lower social stratum.In 1352.when he was 24,he joined with determinationthe insurgent peasant army against the Yuanregime (1271-1368).As he was able to readand write and was courageous,intelligent andresou rceful.he was trusted by the leaders ofthe insurgent army.With the help of the el-ders in his home area,he soon organized anarmy of his own and battled continually for 17years.After unifying all the insurgent peasantarmies,he succeeded in overthrowing the ruleof the Yuan dynasty in the Central Plains andfounding the Great Ming dynasty with its capi-tal in Nanjing in 1368.Zhu Yuanzhang did not like the location ofNanjing because it was on the left side of ariver.He also disliked in particular the Ioca-tion of his palace because it was higher onthe front side and Iower in the back.1n searchfor a new capital,he traveled to Bianliang(Kaifeng in Henan Province,today),the formercapital of the Song dynasty,in the fourth monthof the first year of his reign to make an on-the-spot investigation.Although he was not quitesatisfied with Bianliang,he announced on hisreturn to Nanjing that he was to make Bianliangthe northern capital.The following year,thequestion of moving the capital became onceagain a subject of discussion.


  古代帝后陵墓不僅是當(dāng)時墓葬的最高等級形式,而且也是當(dāng)時政治制度、宮廷禮俗,以及建筑、藝術(shù)諸領(lǐng)域的綜合反映。就如上意義而言,一部帝王的墓葬文化史,實則即是一部濃縮了的社會發(fā)展史。 明朝,處于中國封建社會的晚期。從明太祖朱元璋掃平群雄,于公元1368年稱帝南京,繼而推翻元朝統(tǒng)治,到李自成農(nóng)民起義軍于公元1644年攻破北京城,崇禎皇帝朱由檢自縊煤山,其統(tǒng)治時間長達(dá)277年,先后有16位皇帝君臨天下。在這16位皇帝中,除建文帝朱允炆因“靖難之役”,南京城破,宮中起火,下落不明,沒有留下陵墓外,其余15帝或生前,或死后均建有陵墓并保存至今。 本書對明朝帝王后宮王妃陵的墓主、陵寢制度、歷史沿革變遷及軼聞趣事進(jìn)行介紹,資料詳實、圖文并茂,融學(xué)術(shù)性、知識性和趣味性于一體。對弘揚(yáng)祖國文化,讀者全面了解明陵歷史具有重要意義。










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