
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:笛福  頁數(shù):320  字數(shù):243000  




Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8


  The Journal.  September 30,1659.I poor miserable RobinsonCrusoe,being shipwreck’d,during a dreadful Storm,in the offing,came on Shore on this dismal unfortunateIsland,which I call’d the Island ofDespair,all the rest of the Ship’S Company being drown’d,and my self almost dead.  Allthe restofthatDayI spentin afflictingmy selfatthedismal Circumstances I was brought to,viz.I had neitherFood,House Clothes,Weapon,or Place to fly to,and inDespair of any Relief,saw nothing but Death before me,either that I should be devourd by wild Beasts,murtherdby Savages,or starv’d to Death for Want of Food.At theApproach of Night,I slept in a Tree for fear of wild Crea-tures,but slept soundly tho’it rain’d all Night.  October 1.In the Morning I saw to my great Surprise theShip had floated with the high Tide,and was driven onShore again much nearer the Island,which as it was someComfort on one hand,for seeing her sit upright,and notbroken to Pieces,I hop’d,if the Wind abated,I might get onboard,and get some Food and Necessaries out of her for myRelief;SO on the other hand,it renew’d my Grief at the Lossof my Comrades,who I imagind if we had all staid onboard might have sayd the Ship,or at least that they wouldnot have been all drown’d as they were;and that had theMen been saydr we might perhaps have built US a Boat outof the Ruins of the Ship,to have carried US to soree otherPart of the World.I spent great Part of this Day in per-plexingmy selfonthesethings;butatlength seeingthe Shipalmost dry,I went upon the Sand as near as I could,andthen swam on board;this Day also it continud raining,tho’with no Wind atall.  From the 1st of October,to the 24th.A11 these Daysentirely spent in many several Voyages to get all I could outof the Ship,which I brought on Shore,every Tide of Flood,upon Rafts.Much Rain also in these Days,tho’with someIntervals of fair Weather:But,it seems,this was the rainySeason.  Oct.20.I overset my Raft,and all the Goods I had gotupon it,but being in shoal Water,and the things beingchiefly heavy,I recoverd many of them when the Tide wasout.  Oct.25.It raind all Night and all Dav,with some Gustsof Wind,during which time the Ship broke in Pieces,theWind blowing a little harder than before and was no moreto be seen,except the Wreck of her,and that only at lowWater.I spent this Day in covering and securing the GoodswhichIhad sayd,thattheRainmightnot spoilthem.  Oct.26.I walkd about the Shore almost all Day to findout a place to fix my Habitation,greatly concernd to securemy self from an Attack in the Night,either from wild Beastsor Men.Towards Night I fix’d upon a proper Place under aRock,and markd out a Semi-Circle for my Encampment,which I resolv’d to strengthen with a Work,Wall,or Fortifi-cation made of double Piles,lind within with Cables,andwithoutwithTurf.  From the 26th.to the 30th.I workd very hard in carry-ing all my Goods to my new Habitation,thosome Part ofthe time it raind exceeding hard.  The 31st.in the Morning 1 went out into the Island withInv Gun to see for some Food,and discover the Country,when I kill,d a She-Goat,and her Kid follow’d me home,which I afterwards kill’d also because it would not feed.






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