出版時間:2008-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:白壽彝 編 頁數(shù):803 譯者:《中國通史綱要》英譯組
This book combines,in one volume,the English editions of AnOutline History of china,published in 1982,and An Outline Historyof china 1919-1949,published in 1993.In the autumn of 1997,the History of china in Chinese contain-ing 22 sections bound in 12 volumes,of which I was chief editor,wascompleted.Mr.Wu Canfei.a(chǎn)n editor at the Foreign Languages Press(FLP)in Beijing,suggested that the two English edition books,whichhad been published and distributed for many years.be bound into onevolume titled An Outline History of China(revised edition),and beofficially published bv FLP after it had revised the translation.Prior tOthis.they had translated the Chinese editions of the two books intoEnglish,Japanese,Spanish,German,F(xiàn)rench and other languages.Thi sWaS something I had wanted to d0 for many years.When I drew upthe plan for compiling An Outline History of china,I consideredwriting about the period from 1919 to 1949 in the book.but failed todo SO due to factual difficulties.The idea was realized in late 1987,and the second volume of the book came into being.It covers Chinesehistory from 1919 to 1949.a(chǎn)nd iS now Chapter 11 in this revised edi-tion of An Outlitle History of China.Though An Outline History of China.which now includes the second volume,cannot be regarded asa complete Chinese history,readers can gain an overall understandingof Chinese history more conveniently through this single-volume edition.
Bai Shouyi(1909-2000)was bor in Kaifeng、Henan Province and cducated at Zhongshan andYanjing univcrsitics.Bcgimling his tcachillg carerin 1939,he taught for lnore than 40 years,first atYunnan Univcrsity,thcn at NalI ing University andlater at Beijing Taacllers University where he servedas head or both the Department of History and thelnstitute of Htistory. Ptofessor Bai'S many-sided acadcmic interestsarc refleetcd in the courses he taught on such sub-jects as general historiography,historical nlatcriat-ism、a general history of China,cultural history of China.history of Chinese historiography,history ofChina's external communication,history of ChincseIslamisnl.history of the Spring and AuttlIllli-War-ring States Period.history of thc Sui and Tang dvxlastits,and history of the Qillg Dynasty
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 1. A Land of 9,600,000 Square Kilometres 2. Fifty:six Ethnic Groups and a Population of More Than 1,000,000,1300 3. 1,700,000 Years and 3,600 YearsChapter Ⅱ Traces of Remote Antiquity 1. From Yuanmou Man to Peking Man; the Making of Tools and the Use of Fire 2. Dingcun (Tingtsun) Man and Upper Cave Man; the Improvement of Tools and the Emergence of Ornaments 3. The Yangshao Culture and Its Matriarchal Communes 4. The Patriarchal Clan Society of the Longshan CultureChapter Ⅲ Myth and Legend 1. The Legends of Ancient Tribes 2. Tribal Chiefs, Gods and Their Sons 3. The Hereditary Monarchy of the Xia DynastyChapter Ⅳ The Slave State of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties 1. The Earliest Written History 2. The Slave-owning Shang Dynasty 3. The Social Economy of the Shang Dynasty 4. The Rise of the Zhou and the Establishment of the Slaveowning Zhou Dynasty 5. Economic Development Under Zhou Slavery 6. The Zhou Dynasty from Prosperity to DeclineChapter Ⅴ The Early Eastern Zhou, Spring and Autumn, and Warring States Periods: Transition from Slavery to Feudalism 1. The Early Eastern Zhou and the Spring and Autumn Period:Contention for Supremacy Among the Major States 2. The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period 3. The Transition from Slavery to Feudalism 4. Confucius, Mo Zi, Other Thinkers and the Elegies of ChuChapter Ⅵ The Qin and Han Dynasties: the Growth of Feudal Society 1. The Qin, China's First Feudal Dynasty 2. Peasant Uprisings in the Late Qin Dynasty 3. Establishment and Consolidation of the Western Han Dynasty 4. Golden Age of the Western Han Dynasty 5. Decline of the Western Han Dynasty; Uprisings of the Green Woodsmen and Red Eyebrows 6. The Establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Prolonged Turbulence, and the Yellow Turban Uprising 7. The Development of Social Productive Forces 8. The Growth of Feudal RelationsChapter Ⅶ The Three Kingdoms, the Jin, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Sui and the Tang: the Earlier Period of Ascendancy of Chinese Feudalism 1. The Three Kingdoms 2. The Western Jin, the Eastern Jin and the Sixteen States 3. The Southern and Northern Dynasties 4. The Establishment of the Sui Dynasty and the Peasant Uprisings in Its Closing Years 5. The Golden Age of the Tang 6. Turmoil in the Mid-Tang Period 7. The Decline of the Tang Empire and the Late-Tang Peasant Uprisings 8. The Development of Social Productive Forces 9. The Development of Feudal Relations and the Feudalization of Regions Inhabited by Several Ethnic GroupChapter Ⅷ The Five Dynasties, the Song and the Yuan: the Later Period of Ascendancy of Chinese Feudalism 1. The Five Dynasties and Ten States 2. Rise and Fall of the Northern Song; Uprisings by Wang Xiaobo and Fang La 3. The Liao, the Xia and the Jin: Their Relations with the Northern Song 4.Rival Regimes of the Song and the Jin;Uprisings by ZhongXiang,Yang YaO and the Red Jackets 5.The Rise of the Mongols and the FalI of the Xia,the Jin andthe Southern Song 6. Founding of the Yuan Dynasty and Peasant Uprisings During the Late Yuan 7. Further Growth of Social Productivity; Southward Shift of Economic Development 8. Further Development of Feudal Relations; Feudalization of the Border Regions 9. China's Communications with the Outside WorldChapter Ⅸ The Ming-Qing Period: the Twilight of Feudalism 1. Establishment of the Ming Dynasty 2. Decline of the Ming Dyansty; Refugee and Miner Uprisings 3. Decay of the Ming Dynasty; Peasant Uprisings Continued 4. Rise of the Manchus; Peasant Uprisings Towards the End of the Ming; Fall of the Ming Dynasty 5. Peasant Regime of the Great Shun; Princes of the Southern Ming; Unification Activities During the Early Qing Dynasty 6. Qing Rule Strengthened 7. Decline of the Qing; Uprisings of Different Ethnic Groups 8. The Decline of Feudalism and the Emergence of Sprouts of Capitalism 9. Arrival of Western ColonialismChapter Ⅹ Semi-Colonial and Semi-Feudal Society; the Old Democratic Revolution 1. The Opium War 2. The Taiping Peasant War 3. The Second Opium War; Russia's Occupation of Chinese Territory 4. The Later Period of the Taiping Peasant War 5. Culture and Learning After the Opium War 6. Foreign Economic Aggression and the Official Westernization Drive 7. The Proletariat and the National Bourgeoisie in the Early Days; the Spread of Modern Western Science 8. Foreign Aggression and China's Border Crises 9. The Sino-Japanese War and Imperialist Partition of China 10. The Modernization Movement of the Bourgeois Reformists 11. The Anti-Imperialist Patriotic Movement of the Yi He Tuan 12. The Rise of the Bourgeois Revolutionary Movement 13. The Founding of the Tong Meng Hui 14. The Wuchang Uprising; The Founding of the Republic of China and the Fall of the Qing Dynasty 15. The Period of Beiyang Warlord Rule 16. Ideology and Culture During the Period of Bourgeois Revolution 17. The Dawn of the Chinese RevolutionChapter Ⅺ The Continuation of the Semi-Colonial and SemiFeudal Society and the New-Democratic Revolution 1. The May 4th Movement and the Beginning of the Newdemocratic Revolution 2. The Development of the National Capitalist Economy and the Formation of the Programme of the Chinese Communist Party in the Democratic Revolution 3. The Evolution of the Beiyang Warlord Forces and the Rise of the National Revolutionary Movement 4. Northern Expeditionary War and Failure of the National Revolution 5. Establishment of Kuomintang Rule and the Beginning of the Soviet Revolution 6. Growth and Decline of the Kuomintang Factions and Settingup of the Soviet Areas 7. The September 18th Incident and the Upsurge of the Nationwide Anti-Japanese Democratic Movement. The Kuomintang Policy of "Internal Pacification Before Resistance to Foreign Invasion 8. Fascist Rule of the Kuomintang Government. 12. Changes in the Situation of the Anti-Japanese War from the Stage of Stalemate 13. The Outbreak of the Pacific War. The Kuomintang Area and the Liberated Area in the Mid-Period of the Anti-Japanese War 14. The Political Struggle in the Later Stage of the Anti-Jalranese War and the Final Victory of the War 15. Proposals of Political Parties Concerning National Reconstruction. The Political Consultative Conference 16. The Outbreak of All-out Civil War. Radical Turn in Military and Political Situation in China 17. The Downfall of the Nanjing Regime and the Founding of the People's Republic of China 18. Philosophy, Historiography, Natural Science and LiteratureIndex
Chapter X Semi.Colonial and Semi-Feudal Society;the Old De-mocratic Revolution development beginning with the Five Dynasties,Song and Yuan;mal-practices innate in the backward rule of the Liao,Jin,and Yuall madethings worse.When the period iS viewed as a whole.however,social productive forces still made headway.though in a halting manner.This was particularly true in the south.With 1ess destruction from Wars and more time for development,the south quickly became the economic centre of the whole country in agriculture.handicraft indus-try and commerce.By the time of the Five Dynasties,the Song,and the Yuan,rice,planted mostly in the south。had become the chief food crop of the country.During the Southern Song Dynasty.the number 0f rice strains planted in the lower Changjiang River valley was as many as two hundred.Wheat was also a maior food crop.It was planted in the low-er Changiiang River valley too.Sericulture was a main sideline for those engaged in agriculturalproduction.Cotton was planted in the south as well as in the north.Bythe later part of the Southern Song Dynasty.cotton acreage had in-creased enormously.Cotton was first~~rown in Fuiian and then inGuangdong;its planting eventually reached the valleys of the Chang-iiang and the Huai rivers.In The FundamentaIs of Agriculture andSericulture issued by the Yuan government in 1 273.there was detailedinformation on the technique of growing cotton.indicating that cottonplanting had attracted well.deserved attention.