
出版時間:2006-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:遼寧省人民政府新聞辦公室  頁數(shù):227  


It is easy to have a quick look atChina's past and present, but ittakes time to gain a panoramicknowledge of China. The "Pan-oramic China" series is meant toassist readers, especially thoseoverseas, in this respect. Eachvolume in the series focuses on aprovince, municipality or autonomous region, describing, withillustrations, the outstanding characteristics of each area from different perspectives. This book is,Home of the manchus & cradle of Qing Empire.


IntroductionLight of Liaohe Civilization Western Liaoning -- Treasure House of Paleontology Human Traces by Ancient Liaohe River The Hunting Qidan (Khitan)"Purple Air" from the East Qing-dynasty Origins in Eastern Liaoning Dongjing City by the Taizi River Moving the Capital to Shenyang: Ready to Rule the Nation Imperial Palace in Shenyang Three Mausoleums of Early Qing Dynasty Manchu Customs and ConventionsFrom 1894-95 Sino-Japanese War to the Liaoxi-Shenyang Campaign Target of Rival Foreign Powers Zhang Zuolin and His Son Zhang Xueliang  Fall and Liberation of Northeast ChinaOld Industrial Base on a New Journey Cradle of Industry of New China New Road to Industrialization String of Pearls in the Bohai Sea -- the Port Economy Takes off Harmony of Man and NatureAppendices 1. Major Information Websites of Liaoning 2. Liaoning Flight Information 3. Selected International Travel Services in Liaoning 4. Major Tourist Hotels in Liaoning





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