
出版時間:2006-10  出版社:外文出版社  作者:江蘇省人民政府新聞辦公室  頁數(shù):239  


It is easy to have a quick look at China's past and present,but it takes time to gain a panoramic knowledge of China。The“Panoramin China”series is meant to assist reaers,especially those overseas,in this respect,Each volume in the series focuese on a province,municipaity or autonomous region,describing,with illustrations,the outstanding characertistics of each area from different perspectives。s past and present,but it takes time to gain a panoramic knowledge of China。The”Panoramin China”series is meant to assist reaers,especially those overseas,in this respect,Each volume in the series focuese on a province,municipaity or autonomous region,describing,with illustrations,the outstanding characertistics of each area from different perspectives。


Jiangsu is a green oasis afloat on an espanse of rivers,alkes and sea,and its history is ofn of coesistence between man and water。On this piece of land,picturesque mountains and rivcers mingle with ancient civilizhtions to forge a unique culture chara


Cities on Rivers and Lakes  Ancient Cities on the Yangtze  Pearls of Lake Taihu  Grand Canal Cities   River and Coastal GatewaysAncient Water Towns   Bridges,Streams and Dwelings   Zhouzhuang—a Chinese Inkwash Painting   Luzhi—Town of Bridges  Tongli—Town of tranquility  Mudu—Town of Gardens  Qintong—Famous Town of North JiangsuClassical Gardens of Jingnan  Landscape Romance Within City Walls  Yangzhou Gardens—Wuxi’s Jichang Garden  Nanjing’s Premier Garden—Zhanyuan  Suzhou Walled Gardens—Landscapes in MiniatureLand of Silk,F(xiàn)ish and Rice  Land of Silk and Silkmaking   Purple Clay Pottery—Best Tea Sets in the Word  Gourmet Delicacies—Biauochun Tea and Dazha Crab  Jade and Lacquer Ware   Huishan Clay Figuerins  Blue-and-White Cotton and Multicolor New Year PicturesHumanistic Heritage  High Achievers a Local Speciality   Shining Stars of Literature  Painters and Calligraphers  Reading Tradition and Heritage  World Cultural Heritage—Gupin Music and Kunqu OperaConclusionAppendices  How to Get to Jiangsu  Tourst Seasons   Jiangsu’s World Heritage Sites  A Siliction of Jiangsu’s Hotels  Useful Websites  National-level Famous Historic and Cultural Cities   Provincial-level Famous Historic and Cultural Towns







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