
出版時間:2006-01  出版社:Foreign Languages Pr  作者:孫承志  頁數(shù):225  


  《中華第一山:泰山(英文版)》China has many great mountains,among them Mount Taishan in Shandong, Mount Hengshan in Hunan,Mount Huashan in Shaanxi, Mount Hengshan in Shanxi and Mount Songshan in Henan which are regarded as sacred mountains guarding the country's east, south, west, north and central areas respectively, thus the term Five Sacred Mountains.  Towering Mount Taishan stands rooted in the east and mirrored in the sea. Rich in relics and with profound historical associations, it was honored as Chief of the Five Sacred Mountains and Watch Guard of the State. From antiquity right up to the late 18th century, it was the first place that rulers would come to inspect and hold sacrificial ceremonies.  Encompassing the geological formation of Mount Taishan historical records about imperial ceremonies on the mountain, Mount Taishan culture,religion and folk customs, tales about the ancient philosophers, statesmen,poets and scholars who visited the great place ... of all the books about Mount Taishan, this is indeed the most comprehensive.  The book is lavishly illustrated,with 220 pictures vividly depicting the seasonal changes and the magnificent buildings on this sacred mountain.


Chapter I Towering Mount TaishanAncient Myths about Mount TaishanThe Formation of Mount TaishanThe Status of Mount TaishanAscending Mount Taishan —— A Great Life ExperienceSea of Clouds on Mount TaishanWatching Sunrise on Mount TaishanChapter II Mount Taishan, the Country's Watch GuardMysterious SymbolsCulture of Remote Antiquity at Mount TaishanBurning Firewood to Worship Heaven -- the Oldest RiteTheoretical Roots of the "Mountain Worship" CeremonyFirst Emperor of Qin Pays Homage to Mount TaishanEmperor Wu's Eight Visits to Mount TaishanThe Ailing Emperor Guangwu Comes to Mount TaishanThe Regrets of Tang Emperor TaizongEmperor and Empress Together Make Sacrifices to Mount TaishanEmperor Xuanzong Comes to Mount TaishanThe Final Performance of "Feng Shan"The Ming Emperors and Mount TaishanEmperor Kangxi and Mount TaishanQianlong, the Last Monarch to Visit Mount TaishanChapter III The Universe in Miniature   73The Central Mountain —— A Pillar Leading to HeavenDivine Song to HeavenAt the SummitSouls Returning to Mount TaishanThe NetherworldGreat Emperor of the Eastern Sacred MountainRebirthChapter IV Mount Taishan and TaoismMount Taishan and Living ImmortalsHermits at Mount TaishanLi Bai's Hunt for ImmortalsThe Free-wheeling Immortal Lu DongbinQueen Mother PondEmperors and Taoist Mount TaishanTaoist Design of Mount TaishanChapter V Mount Taishan DeitiesBixia TempleHistory of the Goddess of Mount TaishanCult of the GoddessMount Taishan Rock of ProtectionChapter Vl Mount Taishan and BuddhismThe Origin of Valley Mountain TempleBuddha Statue Discovered on the SummitMaster Lang and Buddhism at Mount TaishanDivine Rock Temple and Its Group of Arhat StatuesThe Pagodas of Mount TaishanMonastery of Omnipresent Light, Buddhism and ConfucianismBuddhism Assimilated by Mount TaishanChapter VII Mount Taishan and ConfucianismConfucius ascends Mount TaishanConfucius praises mountainsConfucius' respect for Mount TaishanThe Confucius Temple on the SummitConfucius' Disciples from Mount TaishanConfucius' Encounters on Mount TaishanMencius, like Mount Taishan in CharacterThe Avid Students of LuMillennia-old Moral LessonsChapter VIII Rock Inscriptions on Mount TaishanWhy Carve Words in Rocks?Wealth of Rock Inscriptions on Mount TaishanTemple of Mount Taishan InscriptionsTwo Approaches to Climbing MountainsTheme of Stone Inscriptions on Mount Taishan: AscendingStone Inscriptions at Cloud Step BridgeFour Inscriptions of the Same PoemLandscape and Sentiment in AccordSutra Rock ValleyAppendixSunrise & Sunset Timetable of Mount TaishanMonthly Average Temperature of Mount Taishan (centigrade)Best Time to Visit Mount TaishanRanking of Hotels in Tai' an





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