
出版時(shí)間:2004  出版社:Foreign Language Press, Beijing  作者:Milly Bennett  


It is a great honor for me to write a preface for the new,PFS(China Society for People’s Friendship Studies)50-book series under the general title of Light on China.All these books were written in English by journalistic and other eyewitnesses of the events described.I have read many of them over the seven decades since my student days at Yenching University.With some of the outstanding authors in this series I have ties of personal friendship,mutual regard,and warm memories dating from before the Chinese people’s Liberation in 1 949.Looking back and forward,I am convinced that China is pursuing the right course in building a strong and prosperous country in a rapidly changing world with its complex and sometimes volatile developments.


《自力更生(英文版)》內(nèi)容簡(jiǎn)介:The China Society for People's Friendship Studies (PFS) in cooperation with the Foreign Languages Press (FLP) in Beijing has arranged for re-publication, in the series entitled Light on China, of some fifty books written in English between the 1860s and the founding years of the People's Republic, by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revolutionary events described. Most of these books have long been out of print, but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in China and abroad.




Editor’s IntroductionAuthor’s IntroductionOn Her 0wn:Journalistic Adventures from San Francisco to the Chinese Revolution,1917-l927


I wanted to share my experiences with others.So everybody said t0 me. you should write a book.They said,look at Vincent Sheean,look at Walter Duranty,look at John Gunther.Rich,famous,everything.You’ve been all those places:Chinese revolutions,Spanish wars,Russia.You’re as smart as those fellows,why don't you write a book?I've made several starts on a book in the twenty-one years I've been working for my living as a newspaperwoman,but every time I go back and read the book I began to write,it makes me so sick;“Good God! Did 1 write this-this nonsense?”I find that when I sit down at a typewriter to write a book,something bad happens to me.The characters come out stuffed and phony.An old friend who used to work on a newspaper with me says,what you need,Milly,is a city editor to crack the whip.Then you might get your book done.Another friend says,well Milly,if you want to write a book,why don’t you sit down and write about some of your vignettes? Write out some of those swell stories you tell.How about Uncle Vanya,the drunken Russian trombonist from Tula who makes the sign of the cross over his vodka;the time the Bolshevik Santa Claus in Moscow pulled off his whiskers and said, “I am the secretary of the Communist party”:what the British charg6 d’affaires at Valencia did with his pet when the bombardment broke the goldfish bowl; what you said to the Spanish customs officers at Port Bou when they found the filthy postcards in your luggage.







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