
出版時(shí)間:2009-5  出版社:外文出版社  作者:(春秋)孫武 著,孫海晨 編譯  頁數(shù):379  譯者:孫晨  


  Advance Secretly by Way of Chencang、 Watch a Fire from Across the River、Hide a Dagger in a Smile、Sacrifice a Plum to Save a Peach、Lead Away a Goat in Passing、Beat the Grass to Frighten the Snake、Find Reincarnation in Anothers Corpse、 Lure the Tiger out of the Mountain、 Leave at Large, the Better to Capture等。


Strategy One  Cross the Sea Without Heaven's KnowledgeStrategy Two  Besiege Wei to Rescue ZhaoStrategy Three  Murder with a Borrowed KnifeStrategy Four  Wait Leisurely for an Exhausted EnemyStrategy Five  Loot a Burning HouseStrategy Six  Make Noise in the East and Attack in the WestStrategy Seven  Create Something out of NothingStrategy Eight  Advance Secretly by Way of ChencangStrategy Nine  Watch a Fire from Across the RiverStrategy Ten  Hide a Dagger in a SmileStrategy Eleven  Sacrifice a Plum to Save a PeachStrategy Twelve  Lead Away a Goat in PassingStrategy Thirteen  Beat the Grass to Frighten the SnakeStrategy Fourteen  Find Reincarnation in Another's CorpseStrategy Fifteen  Lure the Tiger out of the MountainStrategy Sixteen  Leave at Large, the Better to CaptureStrategy Seventeen  Cast a Brick to Attract JadeStrategy Eighteen  To Catch Bandits, First Catch the RingleaderStrategy Nineteen  Remove Firewood from Under the CaldronStrategy Twenty  Muddle the Water to Seize FishStrategy Twenty-One  The Cicada Sloughs Its SkinStrategy Twenty-Two  Bolt the Door to Seize the Thief……Index


  Zhang Er had been good friends with Chen Yuthe Prince of Dai.In the widespread uprisings afterthe death of the First Emperor,they had joined therebels together and had set up Zhao Xie,a descen-dant of the former royal house of Zhao,as Prince ofZhao。Later,when Xiang Yu enfeoffed eighteenprinces,he transferred Zhao Xie to be the Prince ofDai.Xiang Yu had taken a liking to Zhang Er,partlybecause Zhang was a sociable person with manyfriends;therefore he made Zhang Er Prince ofChangshan,a part of the Zhao area.As for Chen Yu,who did not readily follow Xiang YuS orders,he gotonly three counties as his fief and the title of marquis.Chen Yu was so angry that he took the first opportu.nity to attack Zhang Er,driving him out of the areaof Zhao and reinstating Zhao Xie as Prince of Zhao.The grateful Zhao Xie thanked Chen Yu by offeringhim the area of Dai.  In the ninth month,Han Xin and Zhang Er ad.vanced on Dai and Zhao,which were neighboringareas divided by the Taihang Mountains.They firstattacked Dai,which lay to the west of the mountains,engaging the Dai army at Yuyu(modem northwestHeshun County in Shanxi Province).The Dai armywas routed and Xia Yue was taken prisoner.As soonas the battle was over,the King of Han hastily sentan envoy to take command of Han Xins best troopsand bring them back to Xingyang to reinforce his ownarmy.Left with twenty or thirty thousand men,HanXin and Zhang Er led them eastward,planning toattack Zhao by way of Jingxing Defile.




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