
出版時間:2003-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:何兆樞  頁數(shù):414  






  Juvenile Delinquency  Juverule delinquency means criminal behavior, especially that carried out by a juvenile. Depending on the nation of origin, a juvenile becomes an adult anywhere between the ages of 15 to 18, although the age is sometimes lowered for murder and other serious crimes. Delinquency implies conduct that does not conform to the legal or moral standards of society; it usually applies only to acts that, if performed by an adult, would be  termed criminal. It is thus distinguished from a status offense, a term applied in the United States and other national legal sys-tems to acts considered wrongful when committed by a juvenile but not when committed by an adult.  In Western countries, delinquent behavior is most common in the 14- to 15-year-old age group. At age 14, most delinquent conduct involves minor theft. By age 16 or 17, more violent and dangerous acts, including assault and the use of a weapon, become increasingly prevalent. Most delinquents do not continue this behavior into their adult life, for, as the ircumstances of their lives change and they get a job, marry, or simply ma-ture out of their turbulent adolescence, their conduct usually falls in line with societal standards. Although the evidence is ambiguous, most delinquents adjust to a non- criminal life, yet the proportion of elinquents who become criminals is higher than that of non-delinquents. In the United States, boys make up 80 percent of the delinquent population, and this rate is similar throughout Europe and Japan.  Schools are often the forum in which delinquent behavior originates. Most delinquents perform poorly in school and are unhappy in the school environment. Many delinquents are dropouts who leave school at an early age but have no job opportunities. Juvenile gangs often perform delinquent acts, not solely out of frustration with society but also out of a need to  attain status within their group. A gang can provide the re-wards a juvenile cannot get from his school or other institution.  Efforts have been made to identify potential delinquents at an early age in order to provide preventive treatment. Such predictions of delinquency generally depend not only on the child's behavior in school but also on the quality of the child's home life. There are many elements that delinquents share in their home lives. Their parents are frequently heavy drinkers who are involved in crime themselves and are unable to provide  emotional or financial support for their children. Discipline is inconsistent and often relies on physical force. Most attempts to detect future delinquents have failed, however. Indeed, it has been found that the stigma of being identified as a potential delinquent often causes the child to commit delinquent acts.  ……






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