
出版時間:2002-05-01  出版社:Foreign Language Press  作者:張安治  


THIS book bakes the reader through the wondrous world of traditional Chinese paintings.The author,Professor Zhang Anzhi,orginally taughet at the Central Institute of Fine Arts.A veteran painter and a permanent exectuive member of nthe All-China Society of Art History before his death in 1990,he had kept busy with research work,in addition to teaching.    Working his way through a vast collection of record,the author classifies the material systematically and underscores for the readers all.As he recounts the long history of Chinese painting,he defines its traditions through the ages,beginning with picutres drawn by early men of the Neloithic period,through the successive modern and contemporary Chinese paint-ings which have ingerited and developed those traditions.He even probes early man's undersanding and concept of painting from pictures mentioned in mythology and legends,and painted on unearthed relics,The author provides throughout a running commentary on the representative painters of the various periods,their works and aesthetic views.    The book contains a wealth of data of both academic value and common interest.There are1990 illustrations throughout the text of the book.In is a book for the connoisseur as well as the beginner.for people with refinde of popular taste.    作者簡介:    PROFESSOR Zhang Anzhe(1911-90)descended from Yangzhou.Jiangsu Province.He studied paingting under Xu Beinhong(Ju peon).Lu Fengzi and Zong Baihua at the Central University(now Najing University)in its art department.Upon his graduation in 1931 he worked as an assistant in the university's art department.During the War of Resistance Against Jpan between 1937 and 1945 the was a teacher at the Guangxi Prowincial Art Teachers's Training Centre in Guangxi Provincail and an associate research fellovw at the Chinses Acdemy of Fine Arts.Between 1946and 1950he visited Britain to study and lecture on Chinese painting at Oxford,Cambridge,Sheffield,Derby and Belfast whichheld one-man shows of his works,Since returning to China in 1950 till his death the had successively been an associate professor at the Beijing Normal University's art department,deputy head of the art history department of the Beijing Institute of Fine Arts,deputy head of the department of Chinese painting at the Central Institute of Fine Arts,a Fine Arts,a member of the editorial board of the institute's journal.Art Study,and a permanetn executive member of the All-China Society of Art History.Between 1982-83,he went as visiting scholar to teach in the City Collgeg of New York University and with his lectures on traditional Chinese painting he had been much well received at New York.Columbia,Stanford and Berkeley universities and USC respectively.He had written A study of Zhang Zeduan;'s Riverside Scene at Qugming Festival,Guo Xi,Ma Yuam and Xia Wen Zhengming,Guo Kaikai,Li Gonglin,Miniature Patintings of the Son Dynasty and A Collctiong of Paintings by Zhang Anzhi.


PrefaceChapterⅠ  The origin of Chinese PaintingChapterⅡ  Shang(c.1600-1046B.C.)  Zhou(c.1046-771B.C.)  Warring States(475-221B.C.)ChapterⅢ  Oin(221-207B.C)  Han(206B.C.-A.D.220)ChapterⅣ  Three Kingdoms(220-265)  Western Jin(265-316)  Eastern Jin and Sixteen Stater(317-420)  Southern and Northern Dynasties(420-589)ChapterⅤ  Sui(581-618)  Tang(618-907)ChapterⅥ  Five Dynasties(907-960)  Ten States(902-979)ChapterⅦ  Northern Song(960-1127)  Southern Song(1127-1179)  Liao(916-1125)  Western Xia(1038-1227)  Jin(1115-1234)ChapterⅧ  Yuan(1271-1368)ChapterⅨ  Ming(1368-1644)ChapterⅩ  Qing(1644-1911)  Modern Perido(1840-1919)ChapterⅪ  Contermporary Period(After 1919)Index




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