
出版時間:2000-01  出版社:外文出版社  作者:馬靜  頁數(shù):345  




Chapter One第一章 Anecdotes of Literrati    文學家軼事   1. Marriage Proposal to Bernard Shaw    向肖伯納求婚   2. The Reason of the Famine    鬧饑荒的原因   3. Good to Write Poorly at the Beginning    開頭寫得差是好事   4.An Exhausting Struggle   5.Hallucination of Balzac    巴爾扎克的幻覺   6.Lose?Gain?    虧損?贏利?   7. Experiencing Realistic Details   8.St.Nicholas Described by Irving    歐文筆下的圣·尼古拉   9. Unusual Echoes    不同尋常的回音   10.Mark Twain's Speechmaking Strategy( 1)    馬克·吐溫的演講策略(1)   11. Mark Twain's Speechmaking Strategy(2)    馬克·吐溫的演講策略(2)   12.He Once Had Thoughts of Suicide    他產生過自殺的念頭   13.Won the Pulitzer Prize Four Times    四次榮獲了普利策獎    14.Died on the Very Same Day    同年同月同日死Chapter Two第2章 Anecdotes of Painters and Musicians    畫家和音樂家軼事    15.Notes Written Backward    反著寫的筆記    16. Notions Written in Code    密碼寫成的見解    I7. Jacob's Footprints on Picasso's Paintings    畢加索畫上的雅科布的腳印    18.Picasso Left    畢加索留下    19.The First but Also the Last Meeting    第一次也是最后一次會面    20 .Wagner,Haunted by Number 13    擺脫不了13的瓦格納    21. A Monster of Conceit    自負的怪物    22. Not for Criticism,but For Applause    不是為了批評,而是為了掌聲    23.Innocent of Any Sense of Responsibility    沒有絲毫責任感    24. He Stole the Wife From His Friend    他奪走了朋友的妻子    25.Johann Strauss Conducted in Boston    約翰·施特勞斯曾在波士頓指揮    26.Both Were Inspired by Cats    兩人都受到過貓的啟示    27. Not Giving a Single Performace in 23 Years    23年里沒有上演過一次Chapter Three第三章 Anecdotes of Actors and Actresses    演員軼事    28.The First of Millions Laughs    幾百萬次笑聲中的第一次    29. Once Locked In a Meat Cage    曾被鎖進放肉的籠子里    30.Reciting the Polish Alphabet    背誦波蘭文字母表Chapter Four第4章 Anecdotes of Athletes    運動員軼事    31. The Greatest American Athlete    美國最偉大的運動員    32.Eisenhower Tried to Stop Him    艾森豪威爾曾試圖阻攔他    33.Is He Highest Type Of Citizen?    他是公民的最高典范?    34.Jim Thorpe,a Sad,Bewildered Man    一個悲傷,惘的人——吉姆·索普    35、Sports Ethic?Sports Salaries?    體育道德?體育薪水?Chapter Five第5章 Anecdotes of Emperors and Kings    皇帝和國軼事    36.King John and the Abbot    國王約翰和修道院長   37.Bruce and the Spider    布魯斯和蜘蛛   38.A Laconic Answer    簡潔的回答   39. Alexander and Bucephalus    亞歷山大和比塞弗勒斯   4o.Julius Caesar    朱利葉斯·凱撒   41.The Great King Who Swallowed Poison    吞毒的國王   42.Nero's Dearest Ambition    尼祿最大的心愿   43. Silkworm Eggs in Bamboo Canes    竹手杖里的蠶卵   44.Henry VIII Was Extrmely Popular    極受歡迎的亨利八世   45. Marriage of Henry VIII    亨利八世的婚姻   46. King Alfred and the Cakes    國王阿爾弗雷德和蛋糕   41. King Canute on the Seashore   48.The Sons of William the Conqueror(1)    征服者威廉的兒子們(1)   49.The Sons of William the Conqueror(2)    征服者威廉的兒子們(2)   SO. King of England Did Not Know English?    英格蘭國王不懂英語?   51. The Custom of King Edward VII    愛德華七世的習慣   52.Three Different Crowns    三頂不同的王冠   53.Two-Foot Shoe Tips?    兩英尺長的鞋尖?   54“Raise”His Own Giants    “培育”自己的巨人?   55. Diary of Czar Nicholas II    沙皇尼古拉二世的日記    56.How Napoleon Crossed the Alps    拿破侖是怎樣越過阿爾卑斯山的    57. Prediction of Churchill’s Father    邱吉爾父親的預言    58. Broadcasting Speech of Churchill    丘吉爾的廣播演講chapter Six第六章 Anecdotes of Presidents    總統(tǒng)軼事    59. George Washington and His Hatchet    喬治·華盛頓和他的斧子    60. Jefferson’s Bridal Journey    杰斐遜的新婚旅行    61. Make No Promise for the Presidency    不為當選總統(tǒng)而做任何承諾    62.The Mould-Board of Last Resistance    阻力最小的模板    63. Jefferson as an Inventor(l)    發(fā)明家杰斐遜(1)    64.Jefferson as an Inventor(2)    發(fā)明家杰弗遜(2)    65.Jefferson and the Jockey    杰斐遜與賽馬騎師    66. Stones Fell the Sky?    石頭從天上掉下來?    67.Honest Abe    誠實正直的亞伯    68.Am I Uglier than You    我比你還丑?    69.Lincoln’s Beard    林肯的胡子    70.The“First” of American Presidents    西奧多·羅斯福的“第一”    簡潔的回答    71. Using Only One Eye?    只用一只眼睛?    72.The 350-Pound President    體重350磅的總統(tǒng)    73.“President of the U. S,One Day”    擔任過一天的美國總統(tǒng)    74.The Longest Presidential Inaugural Address    最長的總統(tǒng)就職演說    75.“Roosevelt”,a Bad Word?    “羅斯福”,一個不好的詞?    76. The Presidents’Pets    總統(tǒng)的寵物Chapter Seven 第七章 Anecdotes of Scientists    科學家軼事    77. Hankering for the Sea    渴望當水手    78.Benajamin Franklin,Mrs.Dogood?    本杰明·富蘭克林,杜古德夫人?    79. Strange and Awkward Benjamin    奇怪而笨拙的本杰明    80.“The Leather Apron”    “皮圍裙”    81.Franklin and “Poor Richard's Almanacs”    富蘭克林與“可憐的理查德歷書”    82.Franklin's Kite    富蘭克林的風箏    83.“Your Special Achievements?”“None.”    “您的特別成就?”“沒有?!?   84. Beetle in His Mouth    他嘴里的甲蟲    85.Eccentric Cavendish    古怪的卡文迪什   86.Nothing Book     空白的書   87.Absent-minded Ampere    心不在焉的安培   88.Ohm Did Not Get the University Professorship    歐姆沒有得到大學教授的職位   89.He Played Violin Between Bouts    他在比賽回合之間演奏小提琴   90.He Had His Hand In Many Pies    他多方涉足   91.Achilles Can Never Overtake the Tortoise?    阿基里斯永遠也追不上烏龜?   92.Claude Bernard's Ambition    克勞德·貝爾納的抱負   93.Many Years?Eight Minutes?    好多年?8分鐘?   94.Discovery of the Comet of 1847    發(fā)現(xiàn)1847年彗星   95.Refused Because She Was a Women    因為她是婦女而被拒絕了   96.Better Telegrapher than his teacher    比老師還棒的報務員   97.Edison's First Big Success    愛迪生的首次重大成功   98.“Spoke”to Each Other in Morse Code    用莫爾斯電碼“交談”   99.The Beginning of a Great Industry    一種偉大工業(yè)的開端   100.They were Discoveryd by Accident    它們是偶爾被發(fā)現(xiàn)的   101.Cheated by Edison?    被愛迪生欺騙?   102.They First Words Spoken on the Telephone    通過電話所講的第一句話   103.Einstein's Youth    愛因斯坦的青年時代   104.“Having No Head for Human Problems”?    “沒有本事解決人的問題”?   IO5. Einstein and Shaving Cream    愛因斯坦與刮胡膏   106. Purely and Exclusively a Theorist    一個完完全全的理論家   IO7.His Driver Gave the Lecture for Him    他的司機替他做了報告   IO8. Bewildered by His Fame    名望使他迷惑不解   1O9.Einstein and the Little Girl    愛因斯坦與小姑娘   11O.The Sharpest Eyes    最尖銳的眼睛   111. A Very Short Letter    一封非常簡短的信   112. Carver’s Pioneer Work with Peanuts(l)    卡弗最早進行的花生研究(1)   113. Carver’s Pioneer Work with Peanuts(2)    卡弗最早進行的花生研究(2)   114.Carver Also Developed    卡弗還發(fā)展了   115.He Changed American Farming    他改變了美國耕作方法   116.“Almondprune” Trees?    “杏-梅 ”樹?   117.“Plant Wizard”    “樹木巫師”   118. They Killed Themselves   119. He Proved His Theory Within Two Hours    兩小時之內他證明了自己的理論   120.Doppler's Equation    多普勒公式   121.Winning Out Posthumously    死后贏得這場斗爭   122.Nobel——A Man of Contrast    諾貝爾——一個反差鮮明的人   123.He Made His Own Telescope    他磨制了自己的望遠鏡   124、Accuracy——Crazed Babbage    講究精確的查爾斯·巴貝奇Chaptet Eight第八章 Anecdotes of Philosophers    哲學家軼事    125. Socrates and His House    蘇格拉底和他的房子    126. Work Only One Day During the Week?    一星期只工作一天?    121. Servant or Family Member?    仆人,還是家庭成員?    128. His Home Cost $ 8. 12    他的住房造價只有8美元12美分    129.Thoreau Refused to Pay a Tax    索洛拒絕納稅    130.People Searching for Gold Were Fools    找金子的人是傻瓜Chapter Nine第9章 Anedotes of Industrialists    工業(yè)家軼事    131. Carnegie Earned $1. 20 a Week    卡內基一星期掙1美元20美分    134. His Company Was Valued $ 500 Million    他的公司估價五億美元    133.What Did He Do with His Money?    他怎樣處理他的錢財呢?    134. Father of Amertcan Industualization    美國工業(yè)化之父    135. Ford’s Effort to End the War    福特結束戰(zhàn)爭的努力    136.“Fod for President”?    “福特當總統(tǒng)”?   Chapter Ten   第10章 Anecdotes of Navigators    航海家軼事    137. Indies? Bahamas!    印度群島?巴哈馬群島!    138.The Columbian Exchange    哥倫布文化交流    139.Columbus’Scheme Was Vetoed    哥倫布的計劃被否決    140.Portuguese Magellan Joined the Spanish Service    葡萄牙人麥澤倫投效了西班牙    141. Sailing Round the World Single-h(huán)anded    獨自環(huán)球旅行


  Marriage Proposal to Beernard Shaw/向肖伯納求婚  1.Marriage Proposal to Beernard Shaw  Once a beautiful and dissolute British actrcss wrote to pro-  pose marriage to Bemard Shaw. She said she did not mind  Bemard Shaws old age and ugliness because he was a genius.  And if they could combine the beauty of the woman with the tal-  ents of the great man, that would be greatly harmonious. "With  your wisdom and my appearance, our children must be perfect."  Bernard Shaw answered, in a letter, that her imaginaion was  splendid, "But, what if the children take my appearance and your  wisdom? "    1.向肖伯納求婚  英國有位美貌風流的女演員,曾寫信向肖伯納求婚。她說,因為他是個  天才。她不嫌肖伯納年邁丑陋。假如能使女郎的美貌和超人的天才結合,那  該是多么協(xié)調啊?!霸蹅兊暮蟠心愕闹腔酆臀业拿烂玻且欢ㄊ鞘馈 ×?。”  肖伯納給她回了一封信說,她的想象很是美妙,“可是,假如生下的孩  子外貌象我,而智慧又象你,那又該怎么辦呢?”




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