
出版時間:1997-08  出版社:外文出版社  作者:汪福祥  頁數(shù):411  


  在全國性的英語教學會議上,專家們一致反映,中國學生的英文寫作存在著很多問題。對于學生們自己來說,寫作也是最令人頭痛的難題。究其原因,造成寫作困難的主要因素可歸結(jié)為四個方面:語言障礙、母語思維方式的影響、思想和表達思想能力的缺乏以及寫作知識和寫作技巧的生疏?! ∈紫?,缺乏系統(tǒng)和規(guī)范的語言知識是造成語言障礙的主要因素。比如:中國學生在學習英語單詞時,大都只注意單詞的表意,對詞的潛在之意,特別是詞的重量、詞的精神以及詞在不同語境中產(chǎn)生的不同語意等知識了解甚少。此外,中國學生在英語時態(tài)、句子結(jié)構(gòu)以及英語修辭等方面的訓練更是欠缺。再加上中國學生一般容易忽視應用語言學和社會語言學的系統(tǒng)研究以及寫作意識的培養(yǎng),就更加劇了寫作的難度?! 〕Z言功底外,母語思維方式的干擾也是造成寫作困難的重要因素。語言是社會和文化的產(chǎn)物,是生活在特定的社會和文化之中的人所持有的特有思維方式的表現(xiàn)形式。因此,社會和文化的差異決定了語言形式和思想表達方式的不同。按照語言學家用普系分類法對語言的分類,英語屬印歐語系日耳曼語族的西日耳曼語支,而漢語則屬漢藏語系,是兩種完全不同的語言。僅以“客氣”這一概念為例,中國人習慣用“貶低自己所做的實際工作”的方式來表達,從而產(chǎn)生了諸如“我沒有什么好說的”,’“我沒做什么準備”以及“哪里,哪里”之類的說法。






CONTENTSChapter 1A Framework for Writing in English1. The Linguistic Competence of the Writer2. Adjusting the Ways of Thinking3. Cultural Awareness and the Writing Senses4. Developing the Writing Skills5 How This Book Can BeBest UsedChapter 2The Use of Words1. Parts of Speech and Their Functions1.1 Nouns1.2 Verbs1.3 Adjectives1.4 Prepositions2. The Concrete and Accurate Use of Words2.1 Concrete Words2.2 Accurate Words3. The Effective and Artistic Use of Words3.1 Imitative Words3.2 Sight Words3.3 Touch Words3.4 Sound Words3.5 Taste and Smell Words3.6 Intensifiers3.7 Adjectives for Describing a Person4. Usual Words for Unusual Effect4.1 The Exaggerated Use of Words4.2 Vivid Words for Vivid PicturesChapter 3Sentence Writing Skills1. Verb Agreement within a Sentence2. Sentence Patterns for Statements3. Sentences with Adverbials4 Attributes and Attributive Clauses4.1 The Functioning Positions of Attributes4.2 Elements Serving as Attributes4.3 Defining Attributive Clauses4.4 Non-defining Attributive Clauses5 Subjects and Subjective Clauses5.1 Elements Functioning as Subjects5.2 Subjective Clauses5.3 The "It" Structure6. Predicative Clauses7. Object Clauses8 Complex and Longer Sentences8.1 Complex Sentences with Noun Clauses8.2 Complex Sentences with Adjective Clauses8.3 Complex Sentences with Adverbial Clauses9. Inverted Sentences10. Parallel Structureb11. Sentence Euphony12 Sentence VarietyChapter 4Paragraph Planning and Development1 Paragraph Variety1.1 Sample Opening Paragraphs1.2 Sample Body Paragraphs1.3 Sample Concluding Paragraphs1.4 Sample Comprehensive Paragraphs1.5 Sample Paragraphs of Various Styles2 Paragraph Quality2.1 Fullness2.2 Unity2.3 Coherence2.4 Emphasis2.5 Brevity2.6 Euphony3 Paragraph Development Techniques3.1 The Writing of Opening Paragraphs3.2 The Writing of Concluding Paragraphs3.3 The Writing of Body Paragraphs3.4 The Writing of Comprehensive Paragraphs4. Sample Paragraphs from Famous Authors5 Topic Sentences for Writing Practice5.1 Topic Sentences That Head a Paragraph5.2 Topic Sentences That Conclude a ParagraphChapter 5The Development of College Composition, Essay and OtherWritings1. College Composition Writing Skills1.1 Sample Analysis1.2 Steps in Composition Writing1.3 Reading and Thinking1.4 Composition Writing Practice2. Essay Writing Skills2.1 Sample Analysis2.2 Basics in Essay Writing3. Precis and Summary Writing Skills3.1 Sample Analysis3.2 Important Points in Summary Wrlting3.3 Procedures in Writing a Summary4. Report Writing Skills4.1 A Sample Report4.2 Basics in Report Writing4.3 Rules of Grammar in Report Writing5 Writing Skills in Focus5.1 The Head-to-feet Format5.2 The Feet-to-head FormatChapter 6Punctuation and Other Basics1 Punctuation1.1 The Period1.2 The Ellipsis1.3 The Question Mark1.4 The Exclamation Mark1.5 The Comma1.6 The Semicolon1.7 The Colon1.8 The Apostrophe1.9 The Quotation Mark1.10 The Parenthesis1.11 The Bracket1.12 The Dash1.13 The Hyphen2. Abbreviations3. Capitalization4. Italics5. Footnotes6. BibliographiesChapter 7English Rhetorical Devices1. Simile2. Metaphor3. Metonymy4. Hyperbole5. Onomatopoeia6. Euphemism7. Pun8 A Glimpse of English Rhetorical DevicesChapter 8Guided Writing Practice1 Practice in Developing an Argumentative Composition2. Practice in Developing a Composition of Analysis3. Practice in Developing a Composition of Synthesis4. Practice in Developing a Composition of Definition5. Practice in Developing a Composition of Description6. Practice in Developing a Composition of Narration7. Practice in Developing a Composition of Classification8. Practice in Developing a Comparative Composition9. Other Topics for Writing PracticeBibliography


  The effective and artistic use of words largel.y depend on the writers talents in language and his ability to use the rhetorical devices. In this section, lets first examine three pieces of writing and then get a feel of what effective and artistic writ- ings read and sound like. Paragraph 1  Almost immediately I felt a surge of restlessness run through the col- umn: a palace guard of soldier ants appeared, their antennae raised, their mandibles bared. Behind them, at last, came the Queen. She ad- vanced slowly, dragging her huge belly, and swinging her head from side to side. I bent low to photograph her-so low that the enraged sol- dier ants were able to leap onto my camera. As I took four or five expo- sures they swarmed over my. face. I dropped my camera, and slapped madly at them. They died, but their task was done. I looked at the col- umn again, the Queen had disappeared into the black tropical night. (From The Observer Magazine).



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