出版時間:1996-12 出版社:外文出版社 作者:(英)岡頓 頁數(shù):343
作者:(英國)托尼?岡頓(Tony Gunton)
版權(quán)頁: 插圖: digital circuit A transmission line that carries information in digital form,in other words as a series of coded electrical pulses.Digital information,such as a coded textmessage,can be carried on a digital circuit as it is.without the conversion by means of modems that is necessary to carry digital information over analog channels Telephonecouversations can also be carried on digital circuits.To do so,the analog voice signal isconverted to digital form by sampling it at inrervals,and convening the frequency foundinto a digital code-see pulse code modulation. digital computer A roachine that can accepta series of instructions(a program),and canthen interpret these instructions while accepting and processing data,in order to generatenew informadon or to control another machine or process.Both the program and the dataare represented in digital form,as codes or numbers,and this distinguishes digital fromanalog computers,which operate on physical values such as voltages or movements.