
出版時間:1996-12  出版社:外文出版社  作者:約翰·弗萊明  




作者:(英國)約翰?弗萊明(John Fleming) 等


版權頁:   插圖:    Aalto, Hugo Alvar Henrik (1898-1976). Among the most important modern architects, and certainly pre-eminent in his native Finland. Started neo-classically, in a typically Scan-dinavian idiom, c. 1923-5, and turned to the INTERNATIONAL MODERN with his excellent Library at Viipuri (1927, 1930-35), Convalescent Home at Paimio (19z9-33), and factory with workers' housing at Sumila (1936-9, with large additions of 1951-7). He possessed a strong feeling for materials and their characters, which, Finland being a country of forests, inspired him to use timber widely. He also invented bent plywood furniture (1932). Timber figured prominently in his Finnish Pavilion at the Paris Exhibition of 1937 and in the Villa Mairea at Noor-markku (1938). Aalto's most original works date from after the Second World War. By then he hadvolved a language entirely his own, quite un-concerned with current clichés, yet in its vigorous display of curved walls and single-pitched roofs, in its play with brick and timber, entirely in harmony with the international trend towards plastically more expressive ensembles. The principal works are a Hall of Residence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. (1947-9), with a curved front and staircases projecting out of the wall and climbing up diagonally; the Village Hall at Saynatsalo (1951); the Pensions Institute at Heisinki (1952-7), a more straightforward job; the church at Imatra (1952-8), on a completely free plan; and the Finlandia Concert Hall, Helsinki (1971), his last and perhaps his finest building.






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