
出版時間:1998-07  出版社:外文出版社  作者:徐象才 編  




About the Chief
Editor & Translator
Mr. Xu Xiangcai was born
in 1943 in a small village on
the banks of the Yellow
River in Shandong Province.
In 1988 he created and
designed the
English - Chinese
Encyclopedia of Practical
Traditional Chinese
Medicine in 21 volumes.
While working on his
encyclopedia he compiled
and translated another
exceptionally valuable book
titled Complete External
Therapies of Chinese Drugs.
These achievements made
him one of the people who
have done the most English
translation ofTCM and
published the largest number
of English books on TCM.
Besides, he was the sponsor
of the first AIl-China
Learned Society of TCM in
English and directed the first
two all-China symposiums
ofTCM in English.
Mr. Xu is now an associate
professor at the Shandong
TCM University, the acting
deputy director of the
Society of TCM in English
Attached to the China
Association of Integrated
Traditional Chinese and
Westem Medicine and a
committee member of the
Translation Society Attached
to the China Association of
Traditional Chinese
Medicine and Pharmacy.
About the Deputy Chief
Jiang Zhaojun is a professor at
the Hospital Attached to the
Shandong TCM University. He
has worked as a surgeon for
nearly 40 years.
Du Xixian is an associate
professor at the Hospital
Attached to the Shandong TCM
University. He has worked as a
dermatologist for more than 20
Chen Guangzhen is an associate
professor at the Shandong TCM
University. He has worked as an
onhopedist for more than 30
You Ke is an instructor with a
Master's degree at the Hospital
Attached to the Shandong TCM
University. He has worked as a
physician for nearly 15 years.
Ouyang Bing is an associate
professor with a Doctor's degree
at the Shandong TCM University.
He has worked as a researcher of
TCM documents for nearly 15
Jacket design: Wang Zhi


introduction1. the history and development of external therapy with chinese drugs2. advantages of external therapy with chinese drugs3. brief accounts to commonly-used methods of external therapy withchinese drugs(1)fufa:coating the affected part with drug paste(2) tu fa:painting the affected part with drug paste……



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