
出版時(shí)間:2001-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:外文出版社 編  






版權(quán)頁:插圖:The state shall draw up an overall program for land use tospecify the use of land, and divide the land into agricultural-useland, construction land and unused land. China shall strictly limitthe transfer of agricultural-use land to construction land, controlthe total amount of construction land, and offer special protectionto cultivated land.Agricultural-use land mentioned in the previous paragraph refersto the land directly used for agriculture, including cultivated land,forest land, grassland, land for irrigation and water conservancy,and aquatics-product breeding water surfaces; construction landrefers to the land for constructing buildings and other structures,including urban and rural residential houses, public, industrial andmining, communications and water conservancy, tourism and mili-tary facilities; and the unused land refers to land other thanagricultural-use land and construction land.Units and individuals given land-use fight must utilize the landstrictly according to the uses designated by the overall program forthe use of land. Article 5 The Competent Land Administrative Departmentof the State Council shall be in charge of unified land administra-tion and supervision throughout the country. The establishment of the competent land administration depart-ments of local people's governments at or above the county leveland their obligations shall be decided by the provincial, autono-mous regional and centrally administered municipal people'sgovernments according to the relevant regulations of the StateCouncil.





    中華人民共和國涉外民商事法律法規(guī)選編 PDF格式下載

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