出版時間:2008-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:[明] 吳承恩 頁數(shù):1722 譯者:詹納爾
This is the third and final volume ofthe classic Chinese fantasy novel,Joumey to the West. In it the four pil-grims-the Tang Priest Sanzang andhis three powerful disciples, Monkey,Pig and Friar Sand-have to deal withmany more monsters and misfortunesbefore they finally reach their goal:Thunder Monastery in the westernHeaven where the Lord Buddha lives.Even here their troubles are not at anend. The scriptures they are given atfirst are all blank.On this last part of the journey thedemons come in as wide a range ofshapes and kinds as ever. Among themare spider-women who spin webs fromtheir navels, a pride of lion monstersand a terrlble female spirit who carriesthe Tang Priest down into her bottom-less cave to marry him. These and allthe other fiends test to the very limitMonkey's ingenuity, supernatural pow-ers and connections throughout theuniverse. As in earlier volumes, he ishindered as much as helped by theoafish but loveable Pig.The story is told with the zest, im-aglnation and humour that have madeit one of China's best-loved novels forfour hundred years. It is not just a taleof the fantastic; it is also rich in in-sights into human nature and humansociety.The illustrations are taken from anineteenth-century Chinese edition ofthe book. A "Translator's Afterword" discuss-es this great feast of the imaginationand outlines how the cycle of legendsgrew over many hundred years.Jacket drawing by: Wei Wei. 本書一共三冊。
作者:吳承恩 譯者:(美國)W.J.F.Jenner
卷一 Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5 Chapter6 Chapter7 Chapter8 Chapter9 Chapter10 Chapter11 Chapter12 Chapter13 Chapter14 Chapter15 Chapter16 Chapter17 Chapter18 Chapter19 Chapter20 Chapter21 Chapter22 Chapter23 Chapter24 Chapter25 Chapter26 Chapter27 Chapter28 Chapter29 Chapter30 Chapter31卷二卷三
During the tumult the Great Sage came on the scene, and shouting "Make way" he raised his iron cudgel, shook it till it was as thick as a bowl and twelve feet long, and struck and parried as he came charging out. The Nine Bright Shiners, who were no match for him, fell back. "You reckless Protector of the Horses," they shouted when they were back in the safety of their own positions. "You have committed the most terrible crimes. You stole the peaches and the wine, wrecked the Peach Banquet, and pilfered the immortality pills of Lord Lao Zi. On top of all this you brought some of the immortal liquor you stole back here. Don't you realize that you have piled crime upon crime?" The Great Sage laughed. "It's true, it's true," he said, "but what are you going to do about it? In obedience to a golden edict of the Jade Emperor," the Nine Bright Shiners tephed, we have led our troops here to subdue you. Submit at once, or else all these creatures of yours wi!1 have to pay with their lives. If you refuse, we shall trample this mountain flat and turn your cave upside-down." "You hairy gods," roar- ed the Great Sage in a fury, "what magic powers have you got to let you talk so big? Clear off, or I'll give you a taste of my cudgel." The Nine Bright Shiners did a wear-dance to- gether, which did not frighten the Handsome Monkey King in the least. He whirled his gold-banded cudgel, parrying to right and left, and fought the Nine Bright Shiners till their muscles were weak and their strength was gone; then each of them broke ranks and fled, dragging their weapons behind them. They rushed to the command post of the central corps and re- ported to the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li that the Monkey King was so ferocious that they had fled from the bat- tlefield, unable to defeat him. Heavenly King Li then sent the Four Heavenly Kings and the Twenty-eight Constellations into battle. The Great Sage, not at all frightened at this, ordered the One-horned Demon King, the seventy-two kings of the monsters, and the four Stalwart Generals to draw up their line of battle outside the gates of the cave.
《西游記(套裝1-3冊)(英文版)》是中國四大古典名著之一,是神魔章回小說的代表作,也是古代長篇浪漫主義小說的巔峰之作。小說描寫了孫悟空、豬八戒、沙和尚保護(hù)唐三藏去西天取經(jīng),歷經(jīng)八十一難,取回真經(jīng),皆成正果的故事。小說充滿了神奇的幻想,在讀者面前展開了一個五光十色的幻想世界。 《西游記(套裝1-3冊)(英文版)》是我國文化遺產(chǎn)中的瑰寶。它以豐富奇特的藝術(shù)想象、生動曲折的故事情節(jié)、栩栩如生的人物形象、幽默詼諧的語言,構(gòu)筑了一座獨具特色的藝術(shù)宮殿,相信它會給每一個讀者帶來愉悅的閱讀體驗?!段饔斡?套裝1~~3冊)英文版》為英文版。THREE KINGDOMSLuo GuanzhongTr. by Moss RobertsThe book portrays a fateful moment at the end of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A. D.220) when the future of the Chinese empire lay in the balance. The author drew on the often-told tales of this turbulent period to fashion a sophisticated narrative of loyalty and treachery, triumph and defeat, that came to epitomize all that was best and worst in the life of his country. Hardcover & paperback in 3 volumesA DREAM OF RED MANSIONSCao Xueqin and Gao ETr. by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang A masterpiece of realism written in the middle of the 18th century, the work, taking as its background the decline of several related big families, focuses on the tragic love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and also provides a panorama of the lives of people of various levels in the degenerating empire.Hardcover & paperback in 3 volumesJOURNEY TO THE WESTWu Cheng'enTr. by W.J.F. JennerA mythological novel and one of China's best-loved novels for over 400 years, it relates the amazing adventures of the priest Sanzang as he travels west in search of Buddhist sutras with his three disciples. Hardcover & paperback in 3 volumes OUTLAWS OF THE MARSHShi Nai'an and Luo GuanzhongTr. by Sidney ShapiroWritten in the 14th century, it is a fictional account of the 12th-century events. One by one, 108 men and women are forced by harsh feudal officialdom to take to the hills, band together and defeat every at- tempt of the government troops to crush them.Hardcover & paperback in 3 volumesForeign Languages Press, Beijing.