
出版時(shí)間:1997-01  出版社:外文出版社  作者:劉文淵  


I. History of Great Wall
To Fend off Enemy Invasion
Construction of Great Wall Takes More Than 2,000
Great Wall's Defence Function Gradually Decreases
II. Three l0,000-Li Great Walls
Qin Dynasty's Great Wall
Emperor Qin Shihuang and Great Wall
General Meng Tian Leads Soldiers in Construction
of Great Wall
Two Paralled Great Walls
Army Plays Leading Role in Construction of Great
Han Dynasty's Great Wall
Threat from the Huns
Emperor Wu Di's Strategy
Reconstruction of Great Wall
Three Parallel Walls
Construction of Great Wall in Desert
Ming Dynasty's Great Wall
Attack from Mongolian Cavalrymen
Speed up Construction of Great Wall
Inner and Outer Great Walls
Qi Jiguang Constructs Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Great
Shanhai Pass, Not East Terminal of Ming Great
Six-Hundred-Year-Old Loess Wall
III. Various Buildings on Great Wall and Their
City Walls
Walls Built on Mountain Ridges
Trenches Along Exterior Walls
Castles at Strategic Positions
Communications Facilities Along Great Wall
Trapezium--A Stable Structure
Wall Height Varies at Different Terrain
Number of Walls Decided by Their Strategic
Double-Sided and Single-Sided Walls
Clay, Stone and Brick Walls
Parapet and Battlement Walls
Fighting Platform and Watchtower
Drainage System
Pass Cities Used to Pass Through Wall
Shanhai Pass-Surrounded by Passes
Nanhaikou Pass-Rising from Sea
Huangya Pass--Bagua City
Gubeikou Pass-Polygon-Shaped Pass City
Great Wall at Jinshanling with Tight-Defence
Great Wall at Simatai-Wall Built on Steep Slopes
Mutianyu Pass-Not Built into Pass City
Wall Built on Iron Bars
Juyong Pass Formed by Three Passes
jiayu Pass--Vital Passage of Ancient "Silk Road"
Block City-Castle
Beacon Tower Used to Deliver Military Information
Earliest Communications Facilities
Requirements for Setting up Beacon Towers
Building Materials and Shapes of Beacon Towers
Number of Soldiers on Guard and Method of Alarm
Delivery by Signal and Courier
Building Materials and Their Transport
IV. Cultural Relics of Great Wall
Han Tomb at Horinger County
Cloud Platform Carved with Buddhist Scripture in Six
Horizontal Inscribed Board on Shanhai Pass
Bricks Cast with Words
Stele Boundary Markers at Badaling
Pass to Enter and Exit Great Wall
Wood Slips of Han Dynasty
Iron and Copper Cannons and Other Weapons
V. Legends of Great Wall
Light a Beacon-Fire for Beloved Concubine
Meng Jiangnu Looks for Her Husband and Tears Down
Great Wall with Her Cries
His Majesty Shut Out of Great Wall
Widow Tower at Huangya Pass
Lone Brick at Jiayu Pass
Swallows Strike Pass Tower Door and Die
General Cannon



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