
出版時間:1994-01  出版社:外文出版社  


Editorial Board of
Studies on the Chinese Market
Economy Series
Chief Editors:
Gao Shangquan (b. September
1929), native of Shanghai; vice-minister
of State Commission for Restructurmg
Economy, 1985-1993; executive vice-
president of Chinese Society of Econom-
ic Restructurmg, 1991-1995; president
of China (Hainan) Institute for Reform
and Development, 1995. Author of Eco-
nomic Structural Reform in China, Se-
lected Works of Gao Shangquan, and
Chi Fulin (b. August 1951), native
of Penglai, Shandong Provmce; execu-
dve vice-president of China (Hainan)
Insdtute for Reform and Development
and vice-president of Chinese Society of
Economic Restructuring. Author of On
Economic Refonn in the Reshaping Peri-
od, and others.
Sun Xiuping (b. 1962), director of
Research Department, China (Hainan)
Institute for Reform and Development.
Zhu Huayou (b. 1961), deputy di-
rector of Research Department, China
(Hainan) Institute for Reform and De-


Chapter I
The Present Situation and Ways of Thinking in Reforming
China's Social Security System
1. The Present Situation and Problems in Reforming the Social
Security System
2. The Basic Principles and Overall Goals of the Reform of the
Social Security System
3. The Ways of Thinking for Reforming the Social Security
4. Reform Plans and Practices: Hainan, Shenzhen, Xiamen and
Chapter II
China's Old-Age Insurance System
1. The Overall Reform Plan
2. The Old-Age Insurance System and the Raising and Spend-
ing of the Old-Age Insurance Fund
3. The Operation and Management of the Old-Age Insurance
Chapter III
China's Unemployment Insurance System
1. The Present Situation, Problems and Principles for Reform
2. Problems in Drafting the Reform Plan
3. The Combination of Unemployment Insurance and Employ-
ment Services
Chapter IV
China's Medical Insurance System
1. Principles of Reform and Basic Problems
2. The Control of Medical Expenditure
Chapter V
Administration of China's Social Secnrity System
1. The Administrative and Operational Mechanisms
2. Management of the Rural Social Security Fund
3. Establishing an Advanced Social Security Information Net-



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