出版時間:1993-01 出版社:外文出版社 作者:東嘎.洛桑赤列
The Author
Dung-dkar blo-bzang 'phrim-las
was born in 1927 at Nying-khri-
rdzong (modern Nyingchi County)
to the east of Lhasa. When five
ycars of age, he was recognizcd as
the reincarnated Living Buddha of
the Dung-dkar Monaslcry, and he
adoptcd a Buddhisl name, Dung-
dkar blo-bzang 'phrim-las. He en-
tered the Smed grwa-tshang (Smed
Theological College) of the Se-ra
Monastery to study Buddhist texts,
and then studied at thc Lower Tan-
tric Collcgc and the Upper Tantric
College. He received the title of
Lha-ram-pa Dge-bshes (the highest
Buddhist academic degrce in Ti-
bel) in 1957. He has successively
hcld thc posts of vicc-chairman of
the Buddhisl Association of Tibet,
mcmber of the standing committee
of the Political Consultative Con-
ference of the Tibet Autonomous
Rcgion, and professor at the Cen-
tral Institute for Nationalities in
Bcijing and at Tibet University in
He attendcd the 4th Internation-
al Tibctological Seminar at Mu-
nich in July 1985.
His works include Red Annals
wilh Annolations, 1981, Nationali-
tics Publishing House; and A List
of' Rare Tibetan Books, block
printing, Lhasa.
I. The Tibetan Regime Before the Establishment of the
Politico-Religious Institution and the Rivalries Between
Bon and Buddhism in Tibet
1. Bon Religion and Tibetan Society Before the Introduction
of Buddhism into Tibet
2. The Economic and Political Situation in Tibet When Bud-
dhism Was Newly.Introduced
3. Rivalries Between Buddhism and Bon
4. The Earliest Tibetan Buddhist Monks and the Formation of
the Rnying-ma Sect
5. The Transformation of Some Tibetan Buddhist Monks
from Slave Owners into Feudal Landlords Owning Monas-
terial Estates
6. The Persecution of Buddhism by Glang-dar-ma
7. Period of Chaos in Tufan and Interior China
8. The Revival of Buddhism in Tibet
II. The Establishment of the Politico-Religious Institution
and the Struggle for Political Power Among the Elites
of Various Religious Sects
1. The Monopoly of the Sa-skya Sect of the Tibetan Local
Political Power and the War Between the Sa-skya Sect and
the Bri-gung Bka'-brgyud Sect
2. The Phag-gru Sect's Control of the Tibetan Local Regime
and the Rise of the Dge-lugs Sect
3. Intemal Wars Among the Rulers of the Phag-gru Regime
4. The War Between the Rin-spungs-pa and the Dge-lugs-pa
5 The War Between Sde-srid Gtsang-pa and the Dge-lugs-pa
6. Elimination of the Sde-srid Gtsang-pa Regime by Gu-shri
Khan, Establishment of the Original Tibetan Local Govern-
ment, and Suppression of the Rebellion of the Karma
Bka'-brgyud Sect
7. The Contradictions Between the Rnying-ma-pa and the
Dge-lugs-pa, and How the Upper Strata Elements Used
Those Contradictions to Launch Wars for Political Power
8. The Decline of the Politico-Religious System and the Inter-
nal Struggle for Power Within the Ruling Class
9. The Encroachment of Imperialists upon Tibet, and How
Reactionary Elements of the Upper Strata in Tibet Be-
trayed Their Country
10. The Launching of Armed Rebellion by Reactionary Upper
Strata Elements Under the Signboard of Religion and Na-
tion, and the Abrogation of the Polity Based on the Merging
of Religious and Secular Rule
III. Conclusion
IV. Bibliography
A. The Thirteen-Article Ordinance for the More Efficient Gov-
erning of Tibet
B. The Twenty-Nine-Article Ordinance for the More Efficient
Governing of Tibet
C. The Agreement of the Central People's Government and the
Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful
Liberation of Tibet