
出版時間:2012-8  出版社:國防工業(yè)出版社  作者:盛丹丹  頁數(shù):353  字數(shù):265000  


  你是否時常自鳴得意可以用英語侃侃而談,而對方卻常覺得丈二和尚摸不著頭腦?  你是否曾經(jīng)眉飛色舞,而對方卻不以為然?  你是否滿心歡喜卻只換回對方的悻悻而去?  不用想了,這肯定都是不規(guī)范的英語表達惹的禍?! ♂槍τ⒄Z學習和使用過程中易犯的錯誤,包括單詞的誤用、詞語搭配不合理、句子使用不符合語言習慣等,我們進行了精心整理和編排,推出了《英文你用對了嗎》系列叢書。本叢書共分為三冊,分別從字、詞、句方面著手,針對容易出現(xiàn)的錯誤進行分析,輔以正確的例句,幫助讀者理解并牢記正確的表達?!  队⑽膯卧~你用對了嗎》從英語單詞入手,將意思相近或相似的單詞進行整編,并對各自的意思進行詳細注解,讓單詞間的區(qū)別清晰地呈現(xiàn)在讀者面前。同時配上經(jīng)典例句,進一步鞏固讀者對單詞的認知和掌握?!  队⑽亩陶Z你用對了嗎》按照字母表順序?qū)⒏哳l短語羅列在讀者面前,為讀者介紹這些結(jié)構(gòu)上相近或相似的搭配在真實語義和使用方式上的差別,幫助讀者看清楚這些詞匯搭配背后所深藏的陷阱?!  队⑽目谡Z你用對了嗎》將日常交際中常用的句子進行歸類,把容易出現(xiàn)的表述、理解方面的錯誤進行一一展示,并根據(jù)中英文的表達習慣對錯誤出現(xiàn)的原因進行簡單分析,使讀者不但知其然,還能知其所以然,從根本上杜絕此類錯誤再次發(fā)生。針對每個句子設(shè)置的情景對話更是將讀者帶入實戰(zhàn)演練的環(huán)境中,讓讀者通過交流真正完善自己的英語表達?! ”緟矔塾诔S糜⒄Z表達的糾錯,意在幫助讀者完善和提高英語水平,是初、中級水平讀者很好的選擇。




abandon, desert, forsake, give up, leave, quit
about, almost, approximately, roughly, around, nearly
accurate, correct, exact, precise, right, true
administer, regulate, direct, rule, govern, supervise, manage,
affair, business, event,matter
afraid, frightened, frightening, fearful, timid, terrified,
horrible, alarm, panic, dread
agony, distress, misery, ache, pain, affliction, anguish, hurt,
pang, throe, twinge, stitch, suffering
aisle, corridor, gallery, passage
ancient, historical, old, aged, elderly, antique
anger, fury, indignation, rage, wrath
answer, reply, respond, return
area, region, district, zone, belt
article, essay, paper, thesis, com position, treatise, theme
artificial, fake, false, man-made, synthetic
ashamed, embarrassed
ask, beg, invite, question, interrogate, query, inquire, quiz,
assume, conjecture, guess, presume, suppose
.bald, bare, naked, nude,
barrier, obstacle, block, handicap, obstruct, bar, hamper, impede,
encumber, hurdle, barricade, snag, difficulty, hinder
base, basis, foundation, groundwork
battle, struggle, war, warfare, campaign, action, strife,
besides, except, apart from, but, save, in addition
bite, champ, chew, gnaw, grind, gnash, masticate, chomp, nip
boat, canoe, craft, ship, vessel, yacht
border, margin, verge, edge, rim, brim, fringe, brink
break, smash, crash, crush, shatter, tear, cut, burst, fracture,
build, construct, erect, establish, assemble, found
burial, funeral, interment
business, enterprise, company, concern
calm, cool, peaceful, quiet, silent, still
career, occupation,job, work, post, position, profession, trade,
carry, bear, convey, transport, send, deliver, ship, dispatch,
cause, reason, excuse, pretext, grounds
cease, discontinue, halt, pause, stop
cellar, basement
renew, restore, refresh, revive, rejuvenate
change, alter, vary, convert, reform, modify, revise, transmute,
character, nature, personality, disposition, temper, individuality,
choice, selection, alternative, preference, option
client, customer, shopper, patron, guest
clue, hint, implication, suggestion
combine, join, associate
commit, consign, entrust, confide, relegate
common, familiar, general,usual,universal,ordinary
compare, contrast, contradict
complete, close, end, finish, conclude, accomplish, achieve,
fulfill, terminate
comprise, contain, include, involve
confine, constrain, contain, limit, restrain
consecutive, continuous, continual, constant, incessant, perpetual,
consider, count, reckon, deem, regard
contagious, infectious, epidemic
copy, duplicate, reproduce, replicate
corpse, body, cadaver, remains, stiff
correct, rectify, remedy, reform, revise, amend
crawl, creep, scramble
crucial, acute, pressing, critical, urgent
cry, sob, wail, keen, whimper, blubber, weep
current, prevalent, prevailing, popular, rife, fashionable
demand, claim, require, exact
disease, illness, affection, complaint, sickness, trouble,
due to, owing to, because of, thanks to
damage, demolish, destroy, disrupt, raze, ruin, spoil, injure,
harm, hurt,incapaciate, disable, wound, impair, smash, wreck
danger, hazard, peril, jeopardy, risk, menace, threat
dead, departed, late, lifeless, inanimate
decrease, diminish, lessen, dwindle, abate, subside, lower,
decline, drop, sink,fall, reduce
depraved, corrupt, vicious, degenerate, vile, evil, villainous,
diligent, industrious, hard-working, assiduous
dirty, filthy, sordid, foul, squalid, soiled, unclean
disaster, calamity, catastrophe, adversity, tragedy
dissolve, melt, liquefy, thaw, fuse
doubt, suspect, discredit
dry, crisp, desiccated, dehumidified, dried, dehydrated,
dwell, inhabit, live, lodge, stay, settle, occupy, reside
edition, version, issue, adaptation
effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient
endure, bear, suffer, tolerate, stand, abide, withstand, put up
enlarge, amplify, expand, increase, magnify
equip, furnish, outfit, provide, supply
expect, look forward to, wait for
emotion, feeling, mood, passion, sensation, sentiment, temper
exile, banish, relegate, deport, rusticate, expatriate,
expose, reveal, discover, uncover, betray, disclose, leak
factory, mill, plant, works, workshop, yard, studio, refinery
fairly, quite, rather, pretty
faithful, truthful, loyal, true, constant, fast
fame, renown, honour, reputation, glory
famine, hunger, starvation
farming, agriculture, gardening, agrology, husbandry,tillage
fast, quick, rapid, fleet, speedy, hasty, expeditious, sudden,
instant, hurried, swift
fat, fleshy, stout, portly, plump
fate, destiny, lot,fortune,doom
female, feminine, womanly, womanish, ladylike
flaw, blemish, foible, defect, imperfection, failing, shortcoming,
flow, gush, spurt, pour, squirt, run, stream, spout
forecast, foresee, foretell, predict
frustrating, discouraging
gather, assemble, convene, collect, mass, congregate, muster
gaze, gape, glare, peek, peer, stare
give, grant, present, afford, confer, bestow
glad, happy, cheerful, joyful, joyous, delighted, merry
glide, skid, slide, slip, slither, smooth
grasp, clasp, grip, clutch, seize, grab, snatch
happen, occur, befall, transpire, take place
harbor, dock, haven, port, jetty, pier, quay, wharf
healthy, sound, hale, robust, well, wholesome, hardy, healthful,
fit, vigorous
height, tall, high
holiday, vacation, leave
hope, wish, desire, want, long
hot, burning, sizzling, feverish, sultry, scorching, sweltering,
searing, torrid
idle, lazy, indolent, slothful
if, in case, supposing
ignore, neglect, overlook, omit, disregard
incite, arouse, provoke, rouse, foment, stir up, instigate
incorporated, limited
intelligent, intellectual, clever, bright, smart, brilliant,
brainy, ingenious, wise
intention, intent, aim, end, goal, object, objective, purpose
investigation, probe, research, inquest, examination, inquiry
jump, hop, leap, skip, vault, hurdle, bound, spring
knock sb up, wake sb up
kind of, sort of
sort of,kind of
last, final, eventual, ultimate
lawyer, attorney, counsellor, counsel, barrister, solicitor
lead, guide, direct, navigate, pilot, steer, conduct
learn, study
let, rent, lease, hire
location, place, situation, site, spot
machine, machinery, apparatus
make, shape, form, construct, fashion, forge, mould,
manner, means, method, mode, way
marry/married, marriage
medal, award, prize, premium, bounty, reward
memorize, recall, recollect, remember, reminisce
mind, brains, intelligence, head, reason, intellect, wits
mix, mingle, blend, merge
motion, proposal, proposition, suggestion
new, fresh, modern, original, novel
news, data, information, intelligence
notify, inform, advise, acquaint
nudge, prod, poke, jab, stab
oath, pledge, vow, swear, promise
open, turn on, unfold, switch on
painting, picture, drawing, illustration, portrait, sketch
particular, peculiar, special
pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, lamentable, sympathetic
perform, execute, discharge, accomplish, achieve, effect,
period, epoch, era, age, cycle, generation
plan, intend, mean, aim, propose
presently, shortly, soon, directly, immediately, instantly
preserve, reserve, keep, maintain, retain, stay, remain, store,
previous, prior, preceding, foregoing, former, foremost
price, cost, charge
prohibit, ban, forbid, debar, interdict, enjoin
prominent, remarkable, noticeable, conspicuous
protect, defend, guard, shelter, harbor, shield, safeguard
prowl, skulk, slink, sneak, sidle, creep, tiptoe
pull, drag, haul, tow, trail, tug, yank, draw
puzzle, perplex, confuse, bewilder, confound, baffle
quarrel, row, fight, contend, debate, discuss, dispute, moot,
quibble, squabble, wrangle, argument
reach, accomplish, attain, earn, achieve
rebuke, reproach, reprimand, reprove, blame, accuse, censure,
refuse, deny, decline, reject, turn down
respectable, respectful, respected
retort, contradict, contravene, gainsay, controvert, oppose,
refute, disprove
roam, stroll, stray, wander, lounge, saunter
run, trot, jog, gallop, sprint, canter, lope, pace, race
sacrifice, devote, dedicate, consecrate
sad, blue, disconsolate, dejected, downcast, depressed, lugubrious,
despondent, melancholy
serious, grave, solemn, sedate, sober, earnest
shake, tremble, shudder, quiver, quake, shiver
sly, cunning, tricky, crafty, foxy, artful, wily
smile, laugh, grin, chuckle, chortle, giggle, snicker, snigger,
simper, smirk, titter, guffaw
sometime, some time
standard, criterion, norm, code, specification
steady, even, regular, equable, constant
strike, beat, hit, punch, slap, flog, thump, pound, knock
substitute, change, replace, displace, supersede, supplant
summary, abstract, outline, digest, gist
surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, nonplus, dumbfound
surrender, submit, yield, capitulate, succumb
table, form, return, record, register, schedule, statement, list,
talk, discussion, conversation, chat, gossip
tax, taxation, rate, toll, duty, levy
tell, order, instruct, direct, command
tendency, trend, current, drift, inclination
thin, slim, slender, skinny, emaciated, lean
throw, cast, fling, hurl, pitch, toss, sling
time, age, era, epoch, day, period
timetable, schedule, itinerary
torch, flashlight
toward, towards
travel, travels, trip, journey, tour, expedition, excursion,
cruise, outing, jaunt, junket, pilgrimage, voyage
turn, revolve, rotate, spin, whirl, circle, gyrate, twirl, roll,
voluntary, intentional, deliberate, willing
wage, earnings, pay, income, fee, pension, salary
weak, faint, feeble, fragile, frail
wet, damp, moist, humid, dank
wild, feral, fierce, ferocious, savage
work, labor, drudgery, travail, grind, toil
worth, worthy, worthwhile
yet, just, already
young, youth, youthful, adolescent, immature ,juvenile, green
zoom, whiz, zip, shoot, dart, nip





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