
出版時(shí)間:2012-1  出版社:國(guó)防工業(yè)出版社  作者:唐勝景 等編著  頁(yè)數(shù):318  字?jǐn)?shù):470000  




chapter 1 brief introduction to flight vehicles
 1.1 basic concepts
 1.2 overview of flight vehicles
 1.3 development history of flight vehicles
 words and phrases
chapter 2 flight principles of flight vehicles
 2.1 overview
 2.2 rocket motion
 2.3 flight atmospheric environment
 2.4 fundamental principal of fluid flowing
 2.5 flight mechanics environment
 2.6 flight vehicle motion
 2.7 flight performances
 2.8 flight stability & control
 2.9 space vehicles flight principles
 words and phrases
chapter 3 flight vehicle system composition
 3.1 flight vehicle system
 .3.2 missile system composition
 3.3 rocket system composition
 3.4 aircraft systems
 3.5 spacecraft system composition
 words and phrases
chapter 4 flight vehicle propulsion system
 4.1 overview
 4.2 aeroengine system
 4.3 rocket engine system
 4.4 thrust vector control system
 4.5 special rocket propulsion system
 words and phrases
chapter 5 flight vehicle aerodynamic configuration
 5.1 design requirements for configuration
 5.2 flight vehicle configuration & parameters
 5.3 typical flight vehicle configuration
 5.4 configuration of hyper-velocity vehicles
 5.5 aircraft configuration variation & development
 words and phrases
chapter 6 flight vehicle construction
 6.1 requirements of flight vehicle stmcture design
 6.2 wing
 6.3 body
 6.4 tail
 6.5 gear
 words and phrases
chapter 7 flight vehicle guidance and control system
 7.1 concepts of guidance and control system
 7.2 guidance and control components
 7.3 guidance system
 7.4 guidance laws
 7.5 control system
 words and phrases
chapter 8 ground equipment and launch
 8.1 rocket & space vehicle launch
 8.2 missile launch
 8.3 airport and ground equipments
 words and phrases
chapter 9 payloads
 9.1 overview
 9.2 rocket payloads
 9.3 missile payloads
 9.4 air vehicle payloads
 9.5 space vehicle payloads
 words and phrases
chapter 10 flight vehicle system design and development
 10.1 flight vehicles design concepts
 10.2 basic stages for r&d
 10.3 basic design requirements
 10.4 design methods
 10.5 typical tests
 words and phrases


版權(quán)頁(yè):   插圖:   Cruise missile develops rapidly at the present time.Since the mid 1970s,because of the appearance of high efficiency minitype turbofan engine and development of the mid-course guidance,final guidance and nuclear warhead miniaturization,numbers of cruise missiles,including air launching type,ground launching type and submarine launching type,have been developed with advantaged characteristic such as low-altitude penetration,ultra-low-altitude penetration,high target accuracy,etc. Airplanes Exploration for airplanes since long time ago,man simulated the birds that fly in the sky in ancient times.The imitation is just as the bionics we called today.During B.C.476-B.C.221(Zhanguo Dynasty),wooden magpie was made by Gongshu Ban who lived B.C.507-B. C.444.In A.D.25-220(Dong Han Dynasty),wooden birds were developed by Zhang Heng who lived A.D.78-A.D.139. In Italy,Leonardoda Vinci,(1452-1519),who observed the bird flight,the article Sul Volo degli Uccelli was written in 1505,at the same time,he gave the drawings of flappingwing air vehicle which uses man's effort to shake down,though it was difficult to realize at that time.In France,de Montgolfier manufactured the hot air ball that was a flight vehicle less than the air in 1783. Airplanes with fixedwings were to look for the new way to produce the higher lift!Because the main question is that lift too small,thrust too little. Space vehicles Humans have always wondered about the mysterious objects in the sky.Ancient astronomers observed moving stars and called these objects planets,meaning wanderers.They also found comets,and meteors or shooting stars apparently falling from the sky.With the development of aerospace technology in the 20th century,it has the capability to send machines and people into outer space. Space vehicles offer human a better tool to explore the solar system and the rest of the universe,to understand the many objects and phenomena,and the resources for human benefit and attributes of the space environment.







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