
出版時(shí)間:2011-1  出版社:國防工業(yè)出版社  作者:郭建國 等 著  頁數(shù):309  


  《飛行器制導(dǎo)、導(dǎo)航與控制技術(shù)》是針對(duì)高等工科院校航天、航空飛行器控制和飛行器設(shè)計(jì)類專業(yè)學(xué)科本科生和研究生的專業(yè)科技英語課程而編著的,尤其適合作為本科生探測、制導(dǎo)與控制技術(shù)專業(yè)和研究生導(dǎo)航、制導(dǎo)與控制學(xué)科等的專業(yè)科技英語課程教材。其主要目的是擴(kuò)充學(xué)生的專業(yè)科技英語詞匯量,提高學(xué)生的閱讀翻譯科技英語文獻(xiàn)資料的能力,提升學(xué)生獨(dú)立撰寫專業(yè)研究性英語科技論文的綜合能力,擴(kuò)展和深化學(xué)生對(duì)本專業(yè)學(xué)科相關(guān)技術(shù)的認(rèn)識(shí),培養(yǎng)具有國際專業(yè)交流能力的科技人才?! ∪珪譃槿糠郑旱谝徊糠种攸c(diǎn)介紹專業(yè)科技英語特點(diǎn);第二部分主要為專業(yè)科技英語閱讀,配有大量的航天、航空飛行器導(dǎo)航、探測、制導(dǎo)與控制專業(yè)領(lǐng)域的閱讀材料;第三部分為專業(yè)科技英語的寫作,重點(diǎn)介紹專業(yè)學(xué)術(shù)論文和研究性論文的寫作方法。


Part I English for Science and TechnologyUnit 1 Features of ESTUnit 2 Nomenclature in SpecialityPart Ⅱ Academic ReadingChapter 1 Control TheoryUnit 1 The PID ControllerUnit 2 Analysis of Control System in State SpaceUnit 3 Adaptive ControlUnit 4 An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and ExpertSystemsUnit 5 Introduction to RoboticsChapter 2 Navigation SystemUnit 1 Navigation in Three Dimensions(I)Unit 2 Navigation in Three Dimensions(Ⅱ)Unit 3 Global Navigation Satellites SystemUnit 4 Biological Navigation SystemsChapter 3 Detecting and Tracking SystemUnit 1 Development of Infrared Countermeasure, Technology andSystemsUnit 2 Millimetre and Infrared Light SourcesUnit 3 Infrared HomingUnit 4 Laser Guided BombChapter 4 Guidance and Control System of MissileUnit 1 Line of Sight Guidance SystemsUnit 2 Proportional NavigationUnit 3 Missile Control MethodsUnit 4 Aerodynamic Lateral ControlUnit 5 Theatre High-Altitude Area Defence Missile SystemUnit 6 An Overview of Hardware-in-The-Loop Simulationsfor MissilesChapter 5 UAV and AircraftUnit 1 UAV Autonomous Operations for Airborne ScienceMissionsUnit 2 LUNAUnit 3 How The Airplane Remains AirborneUnit 4 Smart SensorChapter 6 Spacecraft Orbital Control and Attitude ControlUnit 1 Space Vehicle Attitude Descriptions and RotationalKinematicsUnit 2 Space Vehicle Attitude Dynamics and ControlUnit 3 Space Vehicle Attitude Sensors and DeterminationUnit 4 Space Vehicle Attitude ActuatorsUnit 5 Orbital Elements and Orbital ControlUnit 6 Relative Motion in Orbit and Satellite FormationUnit 7 Spacecraft Simulation ExperimentsChapter 7 Advanced SpacecraftUnit 1 The Hubble Space Telescope ...Unit 2 The International Space Station: An OverviewUnit 3 Apollo spacecraftUnit 4 Mars Exploration RoverChapter 8 Vehicle in the StratosphereUnit 1 NASA X-43Unit 2 Airship Shaped Balloon Test Flights to The StratbsphereUnit 3 Piloting of AirshipPart Ⅲ WritingUnit 1 Academic Paper WritingUnit2 Writing for Research PaperReference



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