
出版時(shí)間:2010-5  出版社:國防工業(yè)出版社  作者:胡美華 編  頁數(shù):184  字?jǐn)?shù):317000  


大學(xué)英語歷經(jīng)三十年的改革和發(fā)展,目前正處于個(gè)性化和多元化發(fā)展的重要轉(zhuǎn)型期?!队⒄Z影視鑒賞》就是順應(yīng)大學(xué)英語改革的新形勢,根據(jù)教育部《大學(xué)英語課程教學(xué)要求》“培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的英語綜合應(yīng)用能力,特別是聽說能力,使他們在今后學(xué)習(xí)、工作和社會交往中能用英語有效地進(jìn)行交際,同時(shí)增強(qiáng)其自主學(xué)習(xí)能力,提高綜合文化素養(yǎng),以適應(yīng)我國社會發(fā)展和國際交流的需要”的教學(xué)目標(biāo),為大學(xué)英語拓展課和選修課編寫的一本教材。其宗旨就是為學(xué)生提供一個(gè)真實(shí)多維、生動鮮活的語言和文化環(huán)境,讓他們通過對影視的鑒賞,通過視、聽、說訓(xùn)練及讀、寫等綜合實(shí)踐,提高英語綜合應(yīng)用能力及綜合文化素養(yǎng),并培養(yǎng)繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)與提高的興趣。  ※教材構(gòu)成  本教材共選取十二部經(jīng)典影視劇,構(gòu)成十二個(gè)單元。每個(gè)單元設(shè)有背景信息(Back-ground Information)、課前任務(wù)(Before-class Tasks)、課堂活動(In-class Activities)和課后任務(wù)(After-class Tasks)四個(gè)部分。背景信息部分包含該影視的綜合信息,如出品時(shí)間、影視類型、影片長度、平均語速、制片人及發(fā)行商、獲獎(jiǎng)情況、導(dǎo)演和主演介紹,以及與影視內(nèi)容相關(guān)的文化、學(xué)科和歷史背景等信息。課前任務(wù)部分包括詞匯預(yù)習(xí)、觀看影片、思考題解答以及影片故事概述等。課堂活動由四個(gè)區(qū)塊組成。Viewing and Under。standing為觀看影片片段,并通過不同形式的練習(xí)指導(dǎo)和檢查對片段的理解;Playing’Your Roles包括對片段的配音和角色扮演,以及外延和創(chuàng)造性的角色扮演;What abo,Jt the Genre是對有關(guān)影視類型的介紹,并設(shè)計(jì)有各種討論思考題;How to Say It欄目則歸納提取了影片中典型的語言范疇和表達(dá)形式,進(jìn)行重點(diǎn)介紹和操練,其中包括影片引語、語言點(diǎn)說明及各種指導(dǎo)性和創(chuàng)造性的書面和口語練習(xí)。課后任務(wù)設(shè)置了精彩對白背誦、欣賞與評論兩個(gè)欄目,后者主要通過各種活動,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生進(jìn)一步開展口語與寫作實(shí)踐,如對課文影片及其相關(guān)影片進(jìn)行深層次的分析、比較和探討,以提高他們的口語及書面表達(dá)能力。本教材最后列有四個(gè)附錄。附錄工為十三個(gè)A級國際電影節(jié)的簡介,附錄Ⅱ?yàn)閵W斯卡等幾大最具影響的影視獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)、A級國際電影節(jié)主要獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)以及十二部影視所獲的其他主要獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng),附錄Ⅲ為電影分類的中英文對照,附錄Ⅳ為練習(xí)參考答案(單獨(dú)裝訂)。


本書共選取十二部經(jīng)典影視劇,構(gòu)成十二個(gè)單元。每個(gè)單元設(shè)有背景信息(Background Information)、課前任務(wù)(Before-class Tasks)、課堂活動(In-class Ac-tivities)和課后任務(wù)(Aher-class Tasks)四個(gè)部分,讓讀者通過對影視的鑒賞,通過視、聽、說訓(xùn)練及讀、寫等綜合實(shí)踐,提高英語綜合應(yīng)用能力及綜合文化素養(yǎng)。


Unit One Ice Age Unit Two Beauty and the Beast Unit Three The Pursuit of Happyness Unit Four The Princess Diaries Unit Five The Longest Day Unit Six Forrest Gump Unit Seven The 6th Day Unit Eight Rebecca Unit Nine The Shawshank Redemption Unit Ten The Day after Tomorrow Unit Eleven Casablanca Unit Twelve Friends(TV series) Appendix I International Film Festivals Appendix II Major Film and TV Awards Appendix III Film Genres References


插圖:Alfred Hitchcock is known as the "master of suspense" and a great innovator. Hismastery of suspense and of directing technique made him one of the most popular andcelebrated of film makers. In essence, the contribution of Alfred Hitchcock to the sus-pense thriller genre has been to define it so that all subsequent films in the genre willseek the standards and will be compared to the films he made. He also influenced a gen-eration or more of filmmakers who learned from his films how to manipulate material,manipulate the audience, and satisfy that audience at the same time.Three of his films are listed on the Top Ten of the American Film Institute's topthrilling films. "Psycho", made in the year 1960, ranks number one. With his exquisitecinematographic craft, including the skillful use of camera position, angles, movement,shots, color, scary music and lighting, Hitchcock always creates suspense and tensionto shock his audience.Hitchcock knew that the suspense is generated when the audience can see dangerhis characters cannot see, or can only suspect. He once said, "There's no terror in thebang of the gun, only the anticipation of it. "He produced several undisputed masterpieces in the 50s and 60s. Strangers on aTrain (1951) is a thriller with an innocent man entangled in a psychotic charmer's mur-der plot. Rear Window (1954) is a tense tale of a man stuck in a wheelchair who be-lieves to have seen his neighbor kill his wife. And Notorious(1954) is a masterful spystory with Ingrid Bergrnan, Cary Grant and Claude Rains. While many critics label Ver-tigo (1958) as Hitchcock's greatest film, an entrancing story with Kim Novak in adouble role, Psycho (1960) might be his most famous film. The psychological thrillerwas controversial for its violence at the time and therefore a huge box-office success. Itinspired so many imitators that it seems cliched now.





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用戶評論 (總計(jì)12條)


  •   光盤里沒有完整的電影都是片段我自己買的時(shí)候沒看清~~不過應(yīng)該可以用
  •   書很好,光盤內(nèi)容豐富。。。
  •   里面分析的電影都是經(jīng)典的,在影壇影響深遠(yuǎn)的作品,可以了解到歐美電影的發(fā)展及特點(diǎn)
  •   內(nèi)容有些沒必要
  •   上課用的。配有各種相關(guān)習(xí)題和答案。不錯(cuò)
  •   是正版的書,質(zhì)量好。。
  •   適合高中英語教學(xué)
  •   就是我們上課要用的那本,有光碟、答案。
  •   好失望,沒有想象中的好,而且電影數(shù)量也沒盒子上封面那么多,里面的書都像在太陽底下暴曬一樣,都皺了
  •   是作為教材買的,其實(shí)內(nèi)容也沒怎么知道,沒多大興趣
  •   我會一直在這里買書!
  •   書,快遞都很給力!包裝也很好!

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
