
出版時間:2008-6  出版社:國防工業(yè)出版社  作者:陳黎峰  頁數(shù):249  


  金融英語體驗式教學模式把金融英語的語言運用能力的培養(yǎng)落實在教學過程中,倡導體驗、實踐、參與、交流和合作的學習方式,強調學生運用金融英語處理日常金融事務,完成預期的目標,進而感受成功。本教材試圖推行的就是這樣的體驗式教學模式?! ◇w驗式金融英語教學的核心思想是要模擬人們在金融活動中運用金融英語語言從事各類活動,把語言教學和學習者在今后的金融工作中的語言運用結合起來,培養(yǎng)學生在仿真環(huán)境中通過參與和體驗與金融相關的活動,提高語言運用能力。仿真金融英語體驗式教學強調直接通過課堂教學,讓學生用英語參與各種仿真的金融活動全過程?! ◇w驗式教學作為一種教學法具有結構性,它由教學目標、信息輸入、活動方式、師生角色和教學環(huán)境等要素組成。體驗式教學法與傳統(tǒng)教學法之間的差異在于前者注意信息溝通,活動具有真實性而且活動量大。英語課堂教學應具有“變化性互動”的各項活動,即任務。學生在完成任務過程中進行對話性互動,進而產生語言習得。因此,教學過程中體驗式活動的設計、實施和完成舉足輕重。本教材創(chuàng)設盡量真實的環(huán)境,設計合理的教學活動,使其具有實際意義和趣味性,激發(fā)學習者的動機和學習興趣,確定教師的角色與作用,讓學習者有更多的機會參與到課堂的金融活動中來,基本掌握常規(guī)金融活動中英語語言運用,為今后擇業(yè)增加競爭力?! ”窘滩墓卜质畟€單元。首先,以經濟學的基本原理——供需關系為切人點,導入四個主要的金融市場,即貨幣市場、資本市場、外匯市場和證券市場。然后,講解國際收支、銀行體系和國際結算。最后,再次利用供需關系貫穿投資和保險兩個單元。每個單元集中討論一個專題,并列出金融英語語言特點分析,從現(xiàn)代英語研究的角度分析金融英語的詞匯、詞法、句法和特殊表達法的規(guī)律和特征,最后還附有一個金融機構的簡介,為學習者提供了一些有關的背景知識。


  《體驗式金融英語》共分十個單元。首先,以經濟學的基本原理——供需關系為切入點,導入四個主要的金融市場,即貨幣市場、資本市場、外匯市場和證券市場。然后,講解國際收支:銀行體系和國際結算。最后,再次利用供需關系貫穿投資和保險兩個單元。每個單元集中討論一個專題,并列出金融英語語言特點分析,從現(xiàn)代英語研究的角度分析金融英語的詞匯、語法、句法和特殊表達法的規(guī)律及特征,最后還附有一個金融機構的簡介,為學習者提供了一些有關的背景知識?!  扼w驗式金融英語》主要用作高等學院金融英語教材,也可作為涉外人員培訓教材以及金融工作者語言能力提高的輔助教材。


Unit One Demand & SupplyUnit Two Money MarketUnit Three Capital MarketUnit Four Foreign Exchange MarketUnit Five Stock MarketUnit Six Balance of PaymentsUnit Seven International Banking SystemUnit Eight International SettlementUnit Nine InvestmentUnit Ten InsuranceKeys to the ExercisesAppendix Ⅰ Some International Money TableAppendix Ⅱ Twenty-five Important Commercial Banks of the World


  Camille Goodnight, a registered nurse in Colorado Springs, says that "girls com-ing out of high school today are asking themselves, “Why should I go into nursingwhen I could go into business or engineering and make a lot more?”“ No one, she con-tinues, "wants to do the job we do and get paid as little as we do."Question of Respect For many women, though, the availability of better wages in other fields is onlyone factor in what they see as the broader problem of a lack of respect and recognitionfor nursing as a profession.  “When I tell people I am an import buyer,” Barbara Fisher says, “I get a lot bet-ter response from people than when I used to say I was a nurse, and I had a lot moretraining and was better at being a nurse than I am as a buyer.”  Past Shortages Have Promoted Wage IncreasesMrs. Fisher recalls one particularly vexing indicator of what she sees as a lack ofrespect for her former profession. "Hospitals provide parking for doctors and for visi-tors. You never see parking for nurses. Having to walk several blocks in the dark forthe night shift may not be a big deal, but it sends you a message that gets through: Youdont have much status. Thats the sort of message that, along with working week-ends, holidays, and nights, just burns people out. ”  Market Adjustments  Economic theory suggests that a shortage should produce rising prices, increasing thequantity supplied and decreasing the quantity demanded until the shortage is eliminated.The Outlook None of the factors that have contributed to the rising demand and falling supplyof nurses seems about to be reversed. "Were going to have to find ways to make theprofession more attractive," says Ms. Young.  That will require still higher wages. Average starting salaries for nurses jumped6.9 percent Perhaps more significantly, hospitals are trying to keep nurses like Mrs.Fisher in nursing; the average maximum wage available to registered nurses soared10.6 percent after the adjustment of nurses salaries. As wages continue to rise, nursesmight also get more of the other factor Mrs. Fisher was seeking: respect.



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