出版時間:2007-7 出版社:國防工業(yè) 作者:曹京華 頁數(shù):260 字數(shù):218000
本書以現(xiàn)代語言學理論為指導,以英語詞匯為研究對象,著重論述了英語詞匯的來源、發(fā)展、現(xiàn)狀及其研究方法;分析了英語詞匯結(jié)構、類型、意義、理論根據(jù)、相互關系、語義的變化方式、過程及用法;研究了英國英語和美國英語等的差異;較詳細地闡述了英語習語的特點、分類、語義,以及英語詞典的發(fā)展和使用,并提供了大量例證?! ”緯勺鳛楦叩葘W校英語專業(yè)教材,非英語專業(yè)高年級選修課教材及翻譯工作者的學習參考書。
Chapter 1 Introduction(A General Survey of English Vocabulary ) 1.1 Definition of Lexicology 1.2 Importance of Lexieology 1.3 Significance of Studying Lexieology 1.4 Information on Related Terms--Language, Linguistics and Words 1.5 Interrelated Linguistic Branches 1.6 Synchronic and Diaehronie Lexieology Methods of Study 1.7 Summary 1.8 Exereises BibliographyChapter 2 Etymology ( The Evolution of Words) 2.1 Introduction to Etymology 2.2 A Brief History of English Words 2.3 Summary 2.4 Exercises BibliographyChapter 3 Word Formation 3.1 Definition of Word 3.2 Introduction to Morphology and Morpheme 3.3 Affix or Affixation 3.4 Conversion 3.5 Compounds or Compounding (Composition) 3.6 Abbreviation(Shortening) 3.7 Onomatopoeia 3.8 Summary 3.9 Exercises BibliographyChapter 4 Semantics I (Relationships between Words) -- 4.1 Introduction to Semantics 4.2 Polysemy 4.3 Homonymy 4.4 Synonymy 4.5 Antonymy 4.6 Hyponymy 4.7 Summary 4.8 Exercises BibliographyChapter 5 Semantics H (Mutation of Meaning) 5.1 Introduction to Semantic Change 5.2 Extension (Generalization) 5.3 Contraction (Specialization) 5.4 Elevation (Amelioration) 5.5 Degradation (Deterioration) 5.6 Transformation 5.7 Causes of Semantic Changes 5.8 Summary 5.9 Exercises BibliographyChapter 6 Phraseology and Multi-Word ExpressionsChpater 7 VocabulariesChapter 8 English of the WorldChapter 9 Lexicography(The Art of Dictionary Making)Appendix Key to the Exercises