出版時間:2006-5 出版社:國防工業(yè) 作者:朱振武 頁數(shù):371
童話(Fairy Tales) 第一階 1. The Eyebrow Story眉毛的故事 2. Kevin the Spaceman--Aliens太空人凱文——外星人的故事 3. Clever Stick聰明的樹枝 4. Beebie and the Caterpillar彼比和毛蟲 5. Cinderalla灰姑娘 6. The Blue Shoe藍(lán)皮鞋 第二階 1. Snow-White白雪公主 2. Goldilocks and the Three Bears金發(fā)姑娘和三只熊 3. A Froggy Fable青蛙的童話 4. Little Red Riding Hood小紅帽 5. Blue Beard藍(lán)胡子的故事 6. Millions of Cats百萬只貓 第三階 1. Benty小兔子彎彎 2. Thumbelina拇指姑娘 3. The Sleeping Princess睡美人 4. Beauty and the Beast(I)美女與野獸(一) 5. Beauty and the Beast(II)美女與野獸(二) 6. The Wild Swans野天鵝小品文(Familiar Essays) 第一階 1. Paradox of Our Times時代的悖論 2. Lady,Are You Rich?小姐,你富有嗎? 3. Don't Miss 0ut on Life不要錯過享受生活 4. Every Living Person Has Problems人人有本難念的經(jīng) 5. The TWO Roads歧路 6. If I Were a Boy Again假如再回到童年 7. Are You a Carrot,an Egg,or a Coffee Bean?你是胡蘿卜、雞蛋還是咖啡豆? 8. A Stretch of Hard Road一段艱辛的道路 9. The Art of Living生活的藝術(shù) 第二階 1. Rain of Seattle西雅圖之雨 2. The Mother母親 3. Nice Ways to Say No拒絕的妙方 4. The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life獨(dú)身生活的報償 5. Animals動物與迷信 6. Cauliflower Love“簡單的”真愛 7. What Do Parents Owe Their Children?讓我拿什么給你,我的孩子? 8. The Secrets of True Happiness幸福之真諦 9. The Stages of Friendship不同階段的友誼 第三階 1. A New Life新生 2. Life Just Isn't生活并非如此 3. Take Your Home into Your Own Hands!親手布置自己的家 4. The Road to Happiness幸福之路 5. I Try to Remember努力記住它們 6. More than One Way to the Square通向廣場的路不止一條 7. The Outside Chance命運(yùn)無常,禍福相依 8. A Coke and a Smile可樂與微笑 9. Trivia點(diǎn)滴 10. The Gift of Understanding理解的贈品
Once upon a time, there was a clever stick. Ever since he had fallen off the tree, he had been smart . He would sit in the sand and think up all kinds of clever things. He would float down the stream, making up poetry. He would listen to the singing of the birds, and wonder what made it so beautiful. But the poor stick had one problem. He couldnt speak. So he couldnt share his thoughts with any other creatures. When he saw chipmunks2 gather-ing food, he wanted to say, "I know a better way for you to gather nuts. " But he remained silent. Who would believe a stick, anyway? When he came across a frog writing a poem, he wanted to offer a simile or two. But he couldnt. And when he came across a wild rose growing in the bush, he longed to tell her how beautiful she was. But alas, he could not. One bright day, as the stick approached the meadow, he tried to say hello by bowing deeply, but he tripped on a pebble, and fell flat on his face. The field erup-ted with laughter. "What a clumsy stick!" buzzed the insects. The clever stick did not feel so clever anymore. He dragged himself all the way home. 從前,有一根聰明的樹枝。他從樹上剛掉下來的時候,就已經(jīng)很聰明了 。有時,他會坐在沙地上,想出好多機(jī)靈的玩意兒。有時,他會順著溪流飄 浮而下,同時還做著詩。有時,他會聽著烏兒唱歌,心中就想,是什么使它 們的歌聲這么動聽呢? 但是這根可憐的樹枝有個問題:他不會說話。所以,他就不能把自己的 想法告訴別的生物。當(dāng)他看到花栗鼠在收集食物,他就想說:“我知道一種 更好的收集果子的辦法,”但是他一聲也沒吭。無論如何,誰會相信一根樹 枝呢?當(dāng)他碰到一只青蛙在做詩的時候,他很想告訴他一兩個比喻,但是他 沒辦法說出來。當(dāng)他碰到一朵長在灌木叢中的野玫瑰,就盼望著 能告訴她 ,她有多漂亮。但是,唉!他不會說呀?! ∮幸惶?,天氣晴朗,這根樹枝走進(jìn)一塊草地。這時,他很 想深深地鞠 一躬,就算是打個招呼,可是他被一顆小石頭絆了一下,摔了一個嘴啃泥?! ≌麄€草地中都爆發(fā)出一陣哄堂大笑?!岸嗝幢康囊桓鶚渲Π?”一些小昆蟲 嗡嗡地說道。聰明的樹枝覺得自己不是那么聰明了,他一路上拖著腳步,好 不容易才回到家。