
出版時間:2006-1  出版社:國防工業(yè)出版社  作者:楊鑫  頁數(shù):239  字?jǐn)?shù):202000  


本書精選120個短語,按場景分為五個版塊,即校園地帶、社會活動、休閑娛樂、家庭生活和情感交流。對每個短語進行中英文解釋,說明其出處和應(yīng)用背景,提供例句和鞏固練習(xí)。     本書的最大特色是為每個短語配一幅漫畫。結(jié)合例旬和漫畫,可以幫助讀者理解和記憶短語。     本書適用于所有學(xué)生和廣大英語愛好者。


校園地帶 Capues Zone  against the clock bite off more than one can chew bone up on burn the midnight oil cover for someone draw a blank eat one's words get something straight hold water hook somebody up with something/somebody keep pace make or break on the spot on thin ice pat someone (oneself)on the back polish the apple pop up pull one's teeth push one's luck put in a good word for scratch the surface  spare no effort  spill the beans  stick around  take into account社會活動 Social Life  bury one's head in the sand  call it a day  cut a deal  fight tooth and nail  get one's fingers burned  get one's foot in the door  get/have wind of  give someone the hook  go to the dogs  green light  hang out  have a big mouth  have a bone to pick  hit the bottle  hit the jackpot  iron out  let the cat out of the bag  let someone off the hook  lose one's shirt  rise to the bait  sell sb. short  stick someone's neck out  swing around/round  the last straw休閑娛樂 Entertainment 家庭生活 Family Life 情感交流 Passion and Communication



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