
出版時間:2012-9  出版社:人民衛(wèi)生出版社  作者:郭桂芳 編  頁數(shù):611  字數(shù):896000  




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版權頁:   The clinical cardinal symptoms for frailty have evolved over time with the current evidence supporting five phenotypes: low strength, low energy, slowed motor performance, low physical activity, and unintentional weight loss. Findings from the Women's Health and Aging Study II suggest that the onset of frailty can be initiated by insults to any of the five phenotypes. Weakness tends to occur first, which is followed by slowness and low physical activity, which in turn precedes exhaustion. Furthermore,early development of weight loss or exhaustion has been found to predict more rapid onset of frailty. The five phenotypes of frailty are often evaluated during the history taking and physical examination of organ systems and geriatric syndromes. However, a focused evaluation for frailty is needed to increase the detection of frailty at an early stage when interventions are most likely to be effective. 12. Substance Abuse. Older adults are at risk for substance abuse just like the younger populations; however, the medications that are abused are largely sedative-hypnotics like benzodiazepines and alcohol which are often used to manage the prevalent sleep disturbances. Older adults are particularly prone to alcoholism and alcoholic complications because of their decreased lean body mass, diminished efficiency of hepatic metabolism, increased brain sensitivity to alcohol, high incidence of alcohol-medication interactions due to polypharmacy, high prevalence of medical and psychosocial disorders. Hence, alcohol screening is important in older adults. Health care professionals are at a unique position to detect subtle or confusing symptoms of alcoholism, especially in those who live alone. In evaluating the risk for medication abuse, questions about medications that can be potentially abused should be asked such as indications, dose, and duration of taking the medication. When evaluating an older adult's risk of alcoholism, questions should be asked to understand the frequency of drinking, volume consumed each time, and consequences of drinking.





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