
出版時間:2010-8  作者:韋以宗 編  


《中國整脊學(xué)(英文版)》內(nèi)容簡介:Spinal Orthopedics in Chinese Medicine is a groundbreaking book thateffectively integrates our current knowledge of spinal biomechanics with thetime-honored theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine.This book also serves as the main text for the Advanced Training Program inChinese Chiropractic Medicine.
Evidence-based medical research shows that in the treatment of neck andback pain, secondary spinal canal stenosis often occurs. To address this fact,applications of the ancient principle "treat the lower body to benefit the upperregion" are fully elucidated here. This protocol treats cervical disorders throughfirst aligning the lumbar and thoracic curvatures.
The foundation of Chinese Spinal Orthopedics includes three maintherapeutic principles: Regulating Tendons and Muscles, Adjusting Curvature,and Therapeutic Exercise. When these principles are integrated with the fourTCM orthopedic methods of Hand Manipulation, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine,and Functional Exercise, a most powerful system of healing emerges.
Several provocative new theories are also presented here:
1. Principles of Spinal Circular Motion.
2. Theory of Spinal Cylinders and Pivots.
3. Parallelogram Equilibrium of Spinal Contour.
4. Spinal Curvatures.
The applications of these principles have shown great improvement in theclinical treatment of spinal conditions. This innovative book is bound to producefar-reaching influences on the modernization of TCM and the field of spinalorthonedics.



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