
出版時間:2002-8  出版社:人民衛(wèi)生出版社  作者:迪薩艾  頁數(shù):675  字數(shù):1994000  




Color Atlas 1.Preinvasive Disease of the Cervix 2.Preinvasive Disease of the Vagina and Vulva and Related Disorders 3.Invasive Cervical Cancer 4.Endometrial Hyperplasia/Estrogen Therapy 5.Adenocarcinoma of the Uterus 6.Sarcoma of the Uterus 7.Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia  Robert A.Burer and William T.Crea&man 8.Invasive Cancer of the Vulva 9.Invasive Cancer of the Vagina and Urethra 10.The Adnexal Mass and Early Ovarian Cancer 11.Epithelial Ovarian Cancer 12.Germ Cell,Stromal,and Other Ovarian Tumors 13.Fallopian Tube Cancer 14.Breast Diseases 15.Colorectal and Bladder Cancer 16.Cancer in Pregnancy  17.Complications of Disease and Therapy 18.Basic Principles of Chemotherapy 19.Tumor Immunology ,Host Defense Mechanisms,and Biologic Therapy 20.Genes and Cancer  David G.Mutch and Philip J.DiSaia 21.Palliative Care nad Quality of Life Bradley J.Monk and Philip J.DiSaiaAppendices A.Staging B.Gynecologic Oncology Group Common Toxicity Criteria Grade-October 1988 C.Blood Component Therapy D.Commonly Used Statistical Terms and Analysis of Clinical Studies E.Suggested Recommendations for Routine Cancer Screening F.Nutrtional Therapy G.Basic Principles in Gynecologic RadiotherapyIndex



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